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France on the offensive against 4x4's


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I used to have much fun driving my handpainted s111 landrover around London. People would always give way for me. Could have been the iron girder front bumper with winch, plus all the the dents i got off roading it. Oh and i feel for all those school run mum's you will now have to go back to driving Volvo's.Best bet in London would be to turn the railway lines into toll express toll roads and force all MP's to use the tube.
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This is one topic which really raises my hackles.:

I have long driven 4x4s, have a flawless accident record (touch wood) have great visibility which enables me to see potential hazards/pedestrians way in advance and the size of the vehicle seems to encourage a steady, almost sedate speed of travel and acceleration, unlike the feeling of driving a smaller, perhaps zippy runaround.

I drive a new model range rov. which performs well in environment tests an have just ordered a new, French, version of the same car, so am paying a tidy sum in TTC and CG tax as well.

I for one am London born and bred, but shan't be going anywhere near the capital to spend my dosh if red Ken has his way. And Paris is so jammed up with people pranging each other and getting hot under the collar, that I take the train anyway.

I even occasionally use my 4x4 for proper off road work and frankly, would have a real job without it. Guess we'd have to use the smelly tractor more frequenty.


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There's an easy answer. Have your Range Rover, convert it to LPG, enjoy V8 performance, smoothness and half price fuel. Then gloat in the knowledge that the "congestion charge" for LPG vehicles in London is 10 quid a year.

Clean, cheap and envirobnmentally much better. Eh voila!

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What is scary is that I've seen 2 Hummers recently. One in Nimes and one on the A9. Both French registered.

You can read more about them here : http://www.aimoo.com/forum/postview.cfm?id=409079&CategoryID=358130&startcat=1&ThreadID=1649455


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I have just had my new Land Rover Discovery Series II 4.6 HSE (US Spec) converted to LPG.  So next step is to secure  "La Pastille Verte", so that will help me run this incredibly useful workhorse at cheap GPL prices around both the countryside and in city centres.

I just have to get the UK installation validated through the DRIRE/MINES process - oh heck!! 

So you can run large capacity vehicles with lower emmissions and using a by-product fuel for 50% of the price of petrol. 

If only the GPL conversions were carried out by the 4*4 manufacturers on the production run, life would be easier and we wouldn't lose so much dog space in the boot!!

Happy motoring,


Mark b


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I see that the only ones interested enough to post any replies to this thread are those that own 4x4s which in my view are not neccesary for 95 per cent of those that own them.

One of the reasons I have heard people justify owning them is that they are safer if you have a collision. So its alright to go headlong into another car so long as you are safe is it?

When I was in the motor trade I lost count of the numbers of 4x4 owners who after owning the vehicle for some time  had never ever used the four wheel drive or had run it in four wheel drive for weeks without knowing it.

Golden Retriever, 4x4 , private number plate, have I missed anything else on the list.

Fire away, I have a thick skin and a good tin helmet.


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As a long time owner of a Suzuki 4x4 I wouldn't be without it. I am five foot and a fagpaper and the driving seat being just that bit higher than in a saloon car gives me a great view to see where I am going and what the other idiots on the road are up to - especially that Merc that's trying to climb up the exhaust pipe while I am trundling along!!.

I live in an area of roads about the width of the car and when I have to pull off to let people passed I know I can get out of the snow, mud or bushes with no problem.

So maybe I am one of the 5%.

BTW not all 4x4s are Jeeps some Japanese saloon cars are full-time 4x4.


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[quote]I see that the only ones interested enough to post any replies to this thread are those that own 4x4s which in my view are not neccesary for 95 per cent of those that own them. One of the reasons I h...[/quote]

As someone who owned L/R dealerships perhaps I'm bias but I agree with you "W". It never ceased to amaze me why a lot of people bought Range Rovers. When they first came out they were a true workhorse but now are just a large car with faults. Try loading and unloading shopping/parcels without having to crawl in the back to retrive it after it's slid forward. Or get anything out of the back when it's been raining and you just open the top hatch and get a nice wet/dirty mark accross your clothes.

Oh by the way. I drive a Nissan patrol but have you ever tried putting four Wolfhounds in a Ferrari? So 4x4's do have their good points but on the whole I agree with "W". The general percentage of owners could manage very well without on and when you get over-taken by one doing 90mph. It brings a rye smile to my face.

The reason for the Nissan? To fit more then one Wolfhound in a R/R you have to take the spare out and don't get me started on the "parcel-shelf! Then there's the dog hair/mud/biscuits in the Wilton and you've spent the best part of £50,000. What fools but thanks. Hey, Hey. You've paid for my expensive lifestyle. Great. Like the "Smile card" ad says. "There's one born every minute"

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[quote]I see that the only ones interested enough to post any replies to this thread are those that own 4x4s which in my view are not neccesary for 95 per cent of those that own them. One of the reasons I h...[/quote]

"Golden Retriever, 4x4 , private number plate, have I missed anything else on the list."

Yes, 2.4 children!  You must have sold it to my brother in law!

Me?  I've a nice Froggy 4x4.  Renault Scenic RX4.  Not quite a LR or hummer but ideal for muddy roads, dog carrying, pick up truck(with all rear seats removed), rounding up stray livestock in my hilly back garden AND no strange looks from my neighbours as it's a FRENCH car!  Why did I buy it?  Because it was a good price and available immediately!  Now I wouldn't be without it!  Mad, I know!

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For pity's sake, we are talking about cars here! With the exception of a few hypercars, they are just a means of transport. We all need a car (in France at least) & most of of have at least one. It matters not one jot how big the car is, because in your average city centre all cars are too big. As for "gas guzzling", those whose vehicles use vast quantities of fuel (there haven't been any gas cars that I am aware of since WWII) (which includes most of them) pay for the privilege through fuel taxes - rather disproportionately, I would suggest.

If one is offended by vehicles, perhaps one should try using public transport, where it exists. This is the 3rd millennium and progress towards large vehicles is just that, progress. It is up to the powers that be or society itself to develop so that progress can be accommodated. Or should we all be Luddites?

If you want to reduce congestion, save fuel, whales or whatever, buy a motorcycle....

My 4x4 (certainly NOT a L/R) tows a 2 ton JCB. What could I tow with a Micra, or a Scenic, or a 405, I wonder. I use our Clio for driving into town.

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I think there is some dodgy ground here.....(need a 4x4 then)...sorry..

Plenty of european car manufacturers produce 4x4 vehicles that most people wouldn't be aware of even if it fell on them.

The new Jaguar is 4x4, Volvo estate, Renault, Honda&Toyota (built in uk), Porche sports car. etc,etc.

Are the police going to stop cars and look underneath to see if it has 4 wheel drive?

Is it 4x4 drivetrain system that people object to or is it the "utility" style vehicles like Landrover/Rangerover/Mseries Merc/Xseries BMW/Rav/Frontera etc.etc.

I have had a 4x4 previously because it was practical at the time. Currently because of the huge number of motorway miles I drive, I own a BMW saloon with a 4.4lt engine that is more economical when driven sedately that my wife's Fiesta 1.6 being driven hard. My BMW V8 is also better on emissions than the Ford!

There should be more focus on dirty diesels - not the efficient clean(ish) modern ones - but the smoke billowing vans/trucks/buses etc that soot up the cities and emit harmfull particulates into the atmosphere.

I personally think that a lot of the critisism is covering an envy/jealousy attitude by some people who believe that the driving of a "utility" style vehicle is a statement of wealth, lifestyle or social status that are not party to. For god's sake ken Livingstone doesn't even drive.

Sorry...I am starting to rant.  When I get to France it is my intention to change to a 4x4 simply for the practicality it will bring in terms of space and application on the land I intend to  buy.






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