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Recommendations Insurers for UK Car in France?


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We have always found AGF very good, we recommend our local agent to people in your situation and he has always been very accommodating. I think it depends more on individual agencies than companies, though as you intend to do the right thing and start re-registering when you arrive most French insurers should be pleased to help you.
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Jenny, there are several insurers round your neck of the woods and I am also with AGF in Morlaix who have always been brilliant. Shop around because with an english car,quotes do vary immensely. When I bought my VW over to re-register they even paid for the headlights to be replaced BUT were not interested in keeping it on english number plates so bear that in mind against the age of the vehicle and the cost of buying in France saving all the aggro of getting certificates,contrôles and tests etc.
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