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Changing to a French driving licence


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Posted by janealain, 5 Sept 04

Do you just need a French driving licence in order to get a carte grise and is there any other reason for changing.  We don't have a car at the moment, but occasionally hire one, and I have never had any problem with my English licence.  In what circumstances would I need to change?

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A pink European style, or European photocard licence, from another EU country is valid for use in France. You do not need a French licence in order to get a carte grise for a vehicle. About the only circumstances when you need to change are if your licence from another EU member country expires, or you attract penalty points in France.
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Posted by Janey, 19 September

I tried to do it through our Mairie last week and the dopey moo (secretary) hadn,t a clue what to do...but that,s quite normal for her! Anyway now I,ve got to go to the prefecture to do it so I,m hoping to go armed with everything they could possibly ask for and hopefully it won,t be complicated.


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Can I just advise anyone changing to a french licence to check carefully to see if any restrictions have been imposed on the card. This is particularly important for anyone 70 and over who changes to a french one as someone I know (and I posted this earlier in the year as a warning) and who has been living in France for nearly 20years suddenly realised his british licence was about to run out. He went and applied for a french one which duly arrived, but it is there in black print for all to see that he is not permitted to drive a vehicle in the UK. Why? I don't know but the authorities must have had a reason for stating that clause. Another thing is to check what you are actually permitted to drive or tow as this can be different to what you believe you are legally able to do as well.
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