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Car Tyres


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This is a cautionary tale for those contemplating the purchase and fitting of new tyres.  We went to a place in Saintes (17) and ordered 4 Michelin tyres, to be balanced and fitted.  We also asked for the tracking to be corrected.  The order was accepted, a deposit was paid and we returned the following day for the work to be done.  An hour later we were told that they could not do the tracking as the car, a 4x4, was too big for their equipment.  When the tyres had been fitted, my wife noticed that they were not Michelin but a cheaper brand that we had never heard of.  I insisted that these tyres be removed and replaced by Michelins.  As these were not in stock, the old tyres had to be replaced and an appointment made for the following day.  This followed a full and frank exchange of views at the caisse, where efforts were made to convince us that the tyres they had fitted were just as good as Michelin, that Michelin had probably sent them as they did not have the ones we had ordered in stock etc etc.  Some patient questioning elicited that the firm had made a mistake in ordering.  This must have been realised when the tyres were delivered, but nothing was said.  Another customer interjected that she had returned because when she had driven away from the establishment having had four new tyres fitted, something was wrong and she had found that a wheel was loose!  Yet another piped up to say that she, too, had returned because her car wheels had not been properly balanced.  We returned the following day and the Michelin tyres were fitted.  We took the car to Mitsubishi for the tracking to be done.  The mechanic asked where the tyres had been fitted and I told him.  He put the car on the ramp and showed me that the balancing had not been done properly.  He suggested I return to the tyre place to have it re-done.  I declined, as I did not want those people anywhere near our car again.  He said that I was wise to take this line.  So, the best price on tyres is not always the best option and anyone wishing to know the establishment concerned is welcome to send me a PM.

Pete (not Sue) 

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[quote]I was just wondering if it was one of the big chains eg Speedy, Norauto, Feu Verte, Euromaster ? think I've got that a bit wrong. As if it is, they need reporting to their head office.[/quote]

Yes, it was one of the big chains but I think that the Forum rules prevent me from naming it here.  As it is a franchise, I don't think there is much point in writing to their head office.  I did complain to the manager at the time, but it was water off a duck's back!


Pete (not Sue)

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Can't say I'm surprised if it was one beginning with "S" means the opposite of slow and related to "KF" in the UK. I got done by being told I needed new rear shocks on my VW just after arriving in France when I went to get two new tyres. The thing was that the car had just passed it's contrôle the day before but I had to get the tyres replaced as part of the pass remarks. I also showed the old pieces to our local mechanic who said there was nothing wrong with them,but as I was on my own with no knowledge of things mechanical I got worried,agreed to the work and had to pay out as they insisted the car would be in trouble within a few days. We also had trouble regarding replacement tyres with a UK fast fitting outfit whereby we had ordered replacement BFGoodrich tyres for the Toyota and they fitted Kellys which wouldn't hold the road surface and you couldn't brake. Unfortunately a deadline to get to France prevented us from waiting and having the originals that we had ordered fitted as they were out of stock for at least a week which they hadn't bothered to tell anyone. Moral of this tale is that you should stick to your guns if you are not satisfied. Lives depend on good tyres and you shouldn't have to have second best.
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I'll add a rider to this topic: check your wheels/tyres if you have good'uns when your car goes in for a service.

Two of mine were changed for cheapo part worn rubbish, the rears, but I never noticed until too late, it had been to 2 different dealers since the good'uns were fitted.


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