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Chalk and Cheese


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Since this thread started I have begun to notice BMW cars on the roads here and the sort of people driving them. Nearly all were elderly looking men with glasses, very Victor Meldrew looking and probably retired Parisien dentists and they were on the whole,when travelling behind them,very bad drivers indeed - overtaking on blind bends,speeding in restricted areas and riding well over the white line. I've noticed Mercs are more popular here and with middle-aged women who also cannot drive them, let alone see over the dashboard anyway.
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[quote]Since this thread started I have begun to notice BMW cars on the roads here and the sort of people driving them. Nearly all were elderly looking men with glasses, very Victor Meldrew looking and proba...[/quote]

I believe it's even worse in South Manchester when they are out in their white Mercs and their saris keep getting in the way of the brake peddle, when they try to stop crashing into a 26 year old footballer, driving a Porche/Ferrari. Who's excuse for speeding was " I thought I was being chased by a photographer".
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