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headlights in daylight hours - new regulations


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Hi All

Just came back from France this weekend, and there has been a lot of fuss over there about the new regulations about using headlights during daylight hours. I don't know if this only applies in the Nord-Pas de Calais region or if it is national, but as I understand it, as from today (Sunday) it is now recommended that all road users have their side lights on during daylight hours when travelling outside built up areas.  This is experimental for the next five months, and so it is not compulsory yet ( no fines to pay!), but if it proves successful then it may be made law. Has there been any mention of this in the UK while we've been away, or is this as much news to you as it was to me?



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Well today I would guess that it was one in thirty'ish that had their lights on. I had reason to go twice to Saint Malo (boy was it busy today, the beaches and town were packed, 24 degrees plus in the sun, sorry, I digress) and made a mental note to see what was occuring on the road.

I actually forgot whilst driving their first time this morning, as so few had their lights on but later on it was more obvious and it appeared to be one in thirty'ish.

The people around here are just saying it is only facultif, so some won't really bother with it. In March it is proposed to add up all the facts and figures, then decide whether to let the towns have the pleasure and/or carry it on in the "countryside" and then possibly make it the law.

One thing, it will melt all those lens convertors a lot quicker


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We went up to Dinard than went to St Cast for lunch.  What a glorious day!  Loads of people on the beach or just strolling around.  Anyway, I had forgotten about the new lights thing but I did mention that there seemed to be a lot of cars with their lights on.  Mind, it was a bit hazy in places first thing.

It wasn't until I saw the moto men complaining on the news that I remembered.

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[quote]Well today I would guess that it was one in thirty'ish that had their lights on. I had reason to go twice to Saint Malo (boy was it busy today, the beaches and town were packed, 24 degrees plus in the...[/quote]

"One thing, it will melt all those lens converters a lot quicker"


Nice one Miki!!!!


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[quote]Is it just side lights because any cars I passed this morning had full lights on................Damn me my divertors have fallen orf..........(again)[/quote]

I believe it's side lights or running lights in fine weather. In bad weather just switch them all off to fool them into a false sense of security.
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Do what I am doing and just have the interior lights on during the day(easier to read the rules as well) that will fool the stupid gendarmes "Monsieur le flic, je suis désolé mais j'ai pensé que c'était les feux intérieurs, "


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Thats alright then as my sidelights are always on as I drive a volvo 740 with DRL's (daylight running lights)

I think they are a great safety feature as the more people who can see you the better, as in certain weather conditions you can blend into the scenary as my car is silver. They are as far as I am aware a legal requirement in Sweden. I have to replace the odd bulb once a year in which is cheap at £1.50 for two. I know when to replace the bulbs on my car as it has a bulb out warning light on the dash and monitors the bulbs for the Headlights,DRL,Indicators,brake lights,and probably rear fog lights. Much safer as you always know that all of your light are working, especially your brake lights. James.
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I believe that it is national. Last Saturday there was one of those wonderful French pagents in Carcassonne, at least I think it was a pagent? There were several score (old English for 20) of motor cyclists who all stopped and blocked one of the main drags in Bass Carcassonne and all of a sudden all hell let loose. They all revved the bikes up and sounded their horns. We were walking back to our car close by and our poor chocolate labrador bitch was frightened half way to death. She cowered and tried to get away from the noise and nearly pulled Frances, my wife, off of her feet. If she had pulled loose we would possibly have lost her. It took ages for her to stop shaking. All this was about 50 yards from the main police station.

The local 'nick nicks' were there all casually talking to the bikers and not even taking any notice when a late commer arrived tearing through the nearly stationary traffic with a police type siren going full chat.

What a laugh!!!?

The bikers were and are still voicing opposition to the ruling on the car lights, because they say it will make them less visible. They are worried about their safety. I think that one good way they could look after their safety is not to go charging about as if they are late for their funerals! I an not concerned if it is theirs, but don't include me.

I know there are a load of good bikers out there, but they will know what I mean and I'm willing to bet that they don't like the lunatics either..... And don't they start young in France, on the mopeds with the crash hat perched on the back of the head. Brain in a box at home perhapse?


P.S. I haven't had my lights on in daytime, might go on the electricity bill ?


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As far as my French friends are concerned Sarkozy is mad!

First we are told to conserve energy and then we are told to drive with side lights on all day, even in the sunshine.  Surely this will use more fuel? Bizarre!

Have lots of sympathy for motorcyclists, it will be unsafe for them. Also, before this "recommendation", if a car appeared from around the bend with lights on, either rain or some other hazard could usually be expected.

I am unclear as to how they will determine whether this has reduced deaths on the road - probably will increase them.

Not many lights on here in the Charente.......helen



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