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Regulations selling vehicle privately

les Favets

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I take it that it is on French plates? If so then this is what I have done when selling cars :

You give the buyer the following.

The carte grise (log book) and write across the carte "Vendue le..." and date it, or "Cédée le..." followed by the date, and sign it underneath. I think you also cut off the corner of the carte ?

A certificat de situation of non opposition available at the sous prefecture (or prefecture)

A certificat de vente available at the  sous prefecture (or prefecture) Within 2 weeks you must send in the duplicate of the certificate de vente to the (sous prefecture or prefecture)

If the car is more than 4 years old you will need to give a CT (Controle Technique) which is no more than 6 months old.

There is nothing for the seller to pay to anyone

I hope this is clear but it has been a year or so, since I last sold a car and so selling regs may have changed a bit and I am afraid this is mainly from memory !



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Assume you are cancelling the insurance so you need to give written notice of not less than two months to your french insurers that the vehicle will no longer be yours and is being sold or else you are still liable to pay the insurance out.
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