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No claims bonus...


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Am in the process of trying to get French insurance for our UK-plated KA...told by nice lady in Axa office (who gave me a very reasonable quote) that they would not start the insurance until they had written evidence of no-claims bonus...then told by Direct Line (my current UK insurer) that they cannot possibly send me evidence of my bonus as "you are still using it" (didn't follow this logic myself, but there you are). DL said they could only send it out if I cancelled the policy or it lapsed...but then I would be uninsured! Doh!

Has anyone come across this problem before, and if so, how did they get around it? Also, can DL refuse to let me have this?



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you are currently insured with Direct Line and are going to take/keep the insured car in France where it will be insured by AXA and the insurance policy with Direct Line cancelled?

Direct Line shouldn't have a problem with this. Tell them you require the evidence so that AXA can start insurance from specified day and you can cancel UK insurance from same date, surely this is no different to any change of insurer within UK.

I'd strongly suggest that you ask AXA precisely what wording they want to see on the letter from DL as when I tried something similar using AGF in France it took 3 letters from UK insurer cobbled together before AGF were happy.

My UK insurer was also very protective of the no claims bonus...different circumstances to yours in that I am keeping my UK car insured with UK insurer but wanted evidence of no claims to get AGF to insure motor scooter purchased and kept in France. see archive thread "Fraud Sir?, Me Sir?"

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My understanding is that your current insurance company are only obliged to provide proof of no-claims up to and including the last full year, but they are under no obligation to do this quickly and will take there time as a matter of principle!

I suggest you write to your UK company and explain you are moving to France and ask for proof of no-claims to date and see what you get. The alternative is to write to Axa explaining that your uk insurance company will not provide proof of no-claims while the current policy is in force, suggest that you pay full price now and that they either reimburse you the difference, or off set it against next year premium, when you have the necessary paperwork.

Good luck

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