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Might be a daft question, but does anyone know if French anti-freeze is okay to mix with the English stuff? I need to top mine up, but I seem to remember there used to be different types of anti-freeze in the UK that couldn't be mixed. Am I imagining this?! Maybe, but if anyone can confirm that I'm okay adding French to existing UK antifreeze, i'd appreciate it.




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I don't know the answer but I would check in the owners handbook and assume that the car has what is specified and top up with the same. Alternativly drain the system and put in new antifreeze specifically for your car. You might consider 'flushing' the system at the same time, just adds another 30 mins to the job.
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[quote]Might be a daft question, but does anyone know if French anti-freeze is okay to mix with the English stuff? I need to top mine up, but I seem to remember there used to be different types of anti-freez...[/quote]

If you use an Ethylene Glycol based antifreeze as most are you will be ok it also contains an anti corrosion additive which is important for Modern cars, there used to be (and still may be available)some cheaper methonal based stuff around in the UK but it is difficult to check the strength of the solution as most diy antifreeze testers won't read it, some car manufacturers Toyota in particular recommend that you buy their ready mixed solution but it is quite expensive and in my opinion is not worth the extra cash. 
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Depends what the block, head and radiator are made of. Aluminium definitely needs corrosion inhibitors, which were incompatible with the cheap stuff you could use on a mini. If a relatively modern car ( less than 20 years old since launch) needed toping up I would have doubts about where the leaks were and have it pressure tested.
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