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Help with letter - please.

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Can anyone help with the wording for a letter (in French) which I need urgently, please?

We are having a window put into a new bedroom. The maire said it was OK but the builder insisted we get permission. We now need to get an architect to draw plans (this is becoming a separate cash stream). The architect wants us to get a letter from our neighbour (who has given permission orally) stating that she has no objection to the new window.

This formal French is a bit hard - what should I ask her to sign? I have to have the letter done and dusted by Saturday evening.

Thanks in advance.

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Don't use babel fish Dick....  You might find you have given your neighbour your house!  Babel fish DOES NOT translate accurately!  Many the laughs we have had typing something in then changing it to French.

Gilles is at work until lunchtime but, if no one else has replied, I will ask him to write me out a letter for you.

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This would be my very simple effort, not sure if any more might be required ? In this instance it might well be a thousand ways you can ask for her to give written permission. I am sure somone will know, hopefully  Alexis husband will know the one that is best. 

Madams Name and address on top

Je le soussigné ...(Madams nom et prenom)

Je déclare que je n'ai aucune objection à M et Mme Smith Richard (and adddress following)ayant une nouvelle fenêtre mise sur sa maison.


à  ..............le...................

I don't know where you are putting it or the relevance of the positionning, so this is really all I can think of that may well satisfy your architect.

Why are you using a architect though, it it because of time scale ?

Good luck.


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I agree with Miki, but you might add a few words (if they are true):

"Je déclare que je n'ai aucune objection à M. Dick Smith de l’adresse suivant, … …, une nouvelle fenêtre mise dans sa maison d’un type et d’une taille faite connu."

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Thank you both, that is very helpful. I can't bring you a pint each in gratitude, but I can drink one for you!

Miki - we are just using the architect just to draw up the necessary plans and complete the forms. I think we have got permission in principle, but it's all getting a bit Gallic - neither the neighbour or the maire has any objection, but the region wants clarification etc. Everybody is just covering themselves in paper. We have the bedroom - with any luck we should have a window in the next year or so.
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When we have applied to the mayor for permission for building work etc, we have had to complete papers for the Department (DDE) as well and then send the whole lot to the Architect at Batiments de France - without his full permission the whole thing is impossible - but we live in a conservation area and the Architect de Batiments de France is like the most senior bod at English Heritage etc. Hope this is relevant...We ended up with the requirement for hand made roof tiles and conservation colours only.... and our request to open windows was approved by everyone until the neighbours expressly forbade - because we did not own  a 1 metre strip behind the house...very long winded... good luck



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[quote]What I can't understand is if the Maire has said ok, why you need to do all this faffing about. Why is the builder questioning the Maire? Get another builder Dick. One who doesn't ask questions!![/quote]

Get another builder! I tried that and waited a year for anything to happen at all, then went back to the old one!

The maire was saying OK but there was no paperwork attached, so that at any time in the future it could be challenged, by anyone. The maire is very laid back about everything, but the neighbouring maire is awkward - and times change, so we are just being safe. We didn't expect the demand for scaled plans from the region, which is why we are using an architect as a draughtsman. He then advised we needed the OK from the neighbours in writing...

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Best to be safe than sorry.  The Maire here has to have filled in forms but the Maire where we used to live just said go ahead.

Right, better late than never, for an opening, Gilles says it is better if you demand a permis de construire.  Our neighbour did this.  Something to do with arsey neighbours!

If  you don't want to do this - too long for example - ask at the Mairie and if  the Maire says yes, get a letter, stamped with the Mairie's stamp..  For the neighbour Gilles says Miki's letter is just right.  One for you, one for the neighbour and both sign each.


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Hi Dick,

It's better to be prudent in fact and i encourage you to have the permission before starting any works.
Regarding the letter, i might help you as i am a french native speaker. Hope it will be hepfull.


Madams Name and address on top

Je soussignée ...(Madams nom et prenom), demeurant ...(her address),

Déclare n'avoir aucune objection à ce que Monsieur et Madame Richard Smith, demeurant (your adddress following), fassent perser une nouvelle fenêtre dans leur (bedroom?livingroom?? precise for which room the new window will be done), donnant sur ma propre maison.   

Pour valoir ce que de droit.

Fait à ..............le..................


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  • 2 weeks later...

I do feel for you. Coping with the French bureacracy when language is a problem is daunting.We obtained a Permis De Constrius last November to convert our Charentais barn into a residential dwelling and did the whole application, forms, plans etc. ourselves, because the total area of the living space (excluding areas of less than 6' height, which was most of the mezzanine area) was under 140 sq. m. (i think ). However, we would have needed to have an architect to do the plans if we were proposing to add or change sizes of existing windows/doorways, especially those facing the road (we have no near neighbours). We got around that by proposing to instal windows in the existing openings, a huge window where the barn opening is now and then put Velux windows in the roof. It was agreed in about 6 weeks from start to finish, which was amazing, we thought. Expected a much longer wait. Only trouble we had was getting over to the Maire that the barn was to remain separate from our original house attached to it. He couldnt seem to understand we weren't knocking it all into one!

Hope you get your window soon!


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