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Car registered in the UK (french insurance)


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I will be moving to France in the near future and would like to take my car that is registerd in the UK. Can I find an insurer in France that will insure me even though it is still registered in the UK, or do I have to register it in France first?


many thanks again


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If you go back a couple of months you will see that this has been covered in a number of threads, different people have different opinions on this topic.

Yes you can get your car insured on UK plates, Groupama will do it, some will tell you that they have had their UK registered car insured in France for years and probably have,  but as far as I know, if you intend to keep the car in France,  you must register it France within 6 months or your insurance may be invalidated as the car will be technically illegal as it does not have a French certificate of conformitie and a control technique.  You may not find out your insurance is invalid until you have an accident.


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Note: Always do a search for your question first or someone will have a go at you for not doing so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I use an English company who have an agent in France. When my English MOT ran out I got a controlle technique and had no problems with using my English paperwork. People have said that I will have to reregister the car eventually but I have had no problems as yet. Price was comparable to what I had been paying previously in UK. You do have to be residing in France to get the cover but you get up to 28 days cover in the UK per year.

E-mail me if you want agent's telephone number.

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Read Ron's post a little more carefully CW.

You can get away with it for years, we all know people who ride roughshod over the regulations.

The rules state that all residents who import their car have 6 months to re-register the car. If you haven't well, well done, you have decided to forego any French laws on the matter.  Apologies if you are not over the 6 month rule.

If one were to have an accident that draws attention from the Gendarmes and/or gives the Insurers a chance to invalidate your insurance, they will take that opportunity to do so and the Gendarmes can and will apply their penalty on you.

What then? Cry foul, oh yes, that has been witnessed in the past. Not fair, didn't know the rules, you insured me didn't you ? Well yes we wanted your money but it is up to you to ensure you abide by the regulations in force, not the insurers job to do that now is it !

Sorry, a bit harsh maybe but, do try never put your head in the sand here in France, someone is sure bite your a*** in the end...............

By the way I am not having a go at you for not doing a search, although it might have been wise but, you must do what you think is right, if you wish to keep the car on UK plates longer than the law allows.



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[quote]I bow to your superior knowledge and will go and ask again the mechanic who performed the CT and said re-registering was not essential and also the gendarme who shrugged his shoulders and said that th...[/quote]

Yes, that's the way, ask a judicial mechanic and while you are at it perhaps you might ask him if he might act as my notaire on my next house purchase ?

Now why do you think a French mechanic would know the import laws on UK cars? Or rather why would he even care, the French will never say they don't know an answer and will tell you anything rather than have to admit they do not know the answer. You'll see, you will come to realise that one day CW.

As for the Gendarme, quite right you had committed no serious offence, as I said, many ride roughshod over the rules for yonks but if an accident should happen, serious enough for Mr Gendarme (even the same one, some will nick their close neighbours and even their family here, believe me ) to be at the scene, you will see how the "no panic" situation changes, rapido !


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I'm not going to throw this backwards and forwards and turn it into one of those hideous tit for tat links that goes on for pages.

Sarcasm aside, I will check back with the gendarme and also the mairie (although my local one nevers seems to know much of anything!). I will also get the insurance chap to put something in writing which will no doubt draw him out if there is a problem. To be honest though I don't want to re-register unless I have to but if I have to I will, simple as that.

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Likewise I do not want a tit for tat, so will only offer the part of the regulations that you need to be aware of : (in English)

If the gendarmes or anyone wish to argue the toss about it, well......................As for the Marie, ours would just look blank and why not, it is not their domain after all.

Before registering your vehicle, the authorities will check whether it is type-approved. In addition, if the vehicle is not a new one, they may require it to undergo a roadworthiness test. The registration procedure is not harmonised at Community level. In other words, different procedures are applied and different documents required in the various Member States. However, national rules must comply with a number of principles under Community law. This Factsheet gives you some general information on these rules, and more details on the type-approval and registration procedures applied nationally.

For further information on the legal principles applicable under Community law, please refer to the Commission Communication on the type-approval and registration of vehicles previously registered in another Member State, as set out in OJ C 143 of 15.5.1996.

If you are moving to a different Community Member State, you must register your vehicle in that country as soon as possible after arrival and, at any rate, within six months of moving. You should have no difficulty in getting your vehicle registered provided you follow the set procedures.......................

The important part is the regulation affecting the time schedule, the rest is dependant on the vehicule type.

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Having recently received my UK tax disc renewal, it is  obvious they are continuing the process of clarifying the rules and clamping down on evasion.It now spells it out quite clearly that a when the tax runs out it has to be renewed unless the car is not being used on public roads or it has been exported. So if you legally want to keep UK plates it has to have UK Insurance and if appropriate an MoT.

Mind you a man down the pub told me.........

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To strengthen that last point, it is now assumed that unless you have completed a declaration that the vehicle is off the road it is ON the road, so not taxing it is an automatic offence, wherever it is and no matter what the condition.

Doing this has just reminded me that I sold a vehicle a few days ago and haven't sent off the change of ownership documents...
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[quote]Hello It would be interesting to know if anyone has any hard evidence of insurers refusing to pay out or of people being incarcerated for not registering their vehicles in France. I have had Brit car...[/quote]

There you are not long until the "Man down the pub" puts in his two Bob.

Nice to see you so well integrated and taking the proverbial with the regs but my bet is you live in England and love to pretend to be here !

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I may be simple but I fail to understand why, if one is to live in france, one does not abide by the rules. Where is the advantage to be gained by flouting them. Is it a "I'm a very clever boy who has beaten the system" type of thing.  I hope that when beating the system you don't crash into my car and then I find out you have no insurance.  Mind, I would probably take you to court and sue you for every penny including your french home.  When in rome?
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The only problem is that I and I suspect others, wouldn't believe a word you say, that's the problems with wind up merchants, most of their make up is total b u l l s h i t.

Office in the sunshine, if that was even half true, I certainly wouldn't want to admit to it.  What come to France to sit in an office whilst the sunshines outside, the laughs on you old chap.. mug !



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A sanctimonious chap who made a lovely pile of dosh before he came to France, simple really.

We come to France to enjoy, not sit in an office ! Run the old  B&B, cooshty for a bit of wonga and leave the sweating to pillocks in offices. My money's on you being in Slough as well, watching the droplets running down the tiny office window and looking down at Windsor wishing you could live there



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[quote]Well you grubby little oik we have only your word for that one. I would put money on you being on some pre retirement work experiance program i.e cleaning up pigeon crap(bring your own tooth brush) r...[/quote]

Cheers TU,

These wind up merchants we get on here these days just don't like it when they can't get away with their pathetic little efforts at stirring it up. The earlier trolls were much funnier, this lot, well, simply not in the same street......they even lose their rag, not good for the image of a troll I was told.

Go away Albi and play with the kiddies on the Slough Ford Go fasty car forum, there's a good lad.



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Poor Albi,  give it a rest. You are not sounding logical and are impressing no one, if that is what you are trying to do.

These posts will be deleted ofcourse, because they are just too ridiculous for words really.

Trolling like this is neither amusing or clever.


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Get back to Slough you sad poor sop. You wouldn't know France from Dance. Albi the Booze cruiser eh, That's the way to do it, you will learn sod all about France from Eurocity.

What's up been chucked off Ford fasty site ?

Do as Tu says and lay down, you are no use whatsoever on here.


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[quote]I thought you weren't interested in tit for tat Miki?!!!!!!! This topic has spiralled out of control - relax, take a chill pill or you'll give yourself a hernia!!! Highly entertaining though!!![/quote]

Sorry CW but you are not au fait with the situation with idiots like Albi. They are a pain and as for Hernias, had an op here and it gave me a nice few weeks off but thanks for asking.


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What a wally from Slough rattling my cage, get away. To me you are simply a little boy having fun away from the Ford forum. It takes more than an office worker from Bucks to get even close.

Boasting qave you away, a true lad from the sarf don't need to boast, he has it, he knows it and people know, you silly boy, you have to blab, bad form..........................hope it don't rain again in Slough must get one down eh !


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at the expense of making this thread topmost, pleeese, pleeese can we keep juvenile exchanges such as these off the forum!

We don't care what members think about other members, but (hopefully speaking for the majority of lurkers out there) we just want to know what, if any, were the answers to the original post. Otherwise we wouldn't read the thread.

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Firsty I do not like various postings on here but keep much to myself and try not to offer an opinion on such happenings that may not concern me. To call it juvenile is to misunderstand the suituation. As a self confessed lurker, I thought you might have weighed the situation up.

Secondly look through to see that there is as yet no actual answer, just like many threads, there is not always an answer to be had.

Now as for your dog piccie and please don't take this personally, the avatar is far too big and that can be very annoying in itself, hope you take that info for what it was meant to be, just a tip that it is too big ! It take up to 8 times the text on a page !


So sorry about your dog, just seen your post on another thread.

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