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Getting rid of large items of rubbish

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[quote]We are just about to buy a new 3 piece suite to replace the one the previous owner left for us, but how do we get rid of the old one? It's too big for us to take to the dechetterie, can I pay the ...[/quote]

You have bin men?  We leave our rubbish in large bins at the side of the road and the fairies come in the night and take it to the tip.

As far as I know they don't have collections of large items as they do in the UK, well they don't here..

Three ways to get rid of it, depending on where you live

1) if you have a depot vente, try there, they may collect,

 2) break it up and chuck it on the bonfire or 3) cut it up and take it to the decheterie 



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I hope you have better luck than we did last summer when we bought new beds and wanted to get rid of the old ones.  We spoke to the maire, and asked him where the local dechetterie was, as we had previously been refused access to one about 10 miles from our house.  He just shrugged and said, we don't have one.  He told us to burn the beds. When we said we didn't want to do that, and we also had other rubbish which wouldn't burn, including an old lawnmower, he said there was a twice yearly collection of large items.  We aren't there all the time, so that didn't suit, as we didn't want to leave it lying around for weeks.  Eventually we paid someone to remove them (I think he was going to bury them), but there seemed to be no sensible solution to this one!  Hope you have better luck than us! 
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