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Used Cars in France


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I've tried searching the archives, without success, so perhaps someone can help me with this query. I'm thinking of buying a secondhand car in France. Are there websites similar to Autotrader and Exchange and Mart, which list used cars for sale?

Thanks in advance.


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There is a weekly publication called "Argus" which lists used car prices. The website is http://www.argus.fr/

Used car prices tend to be high in France. If you buy from a garage you will get a guarantee although. I have bought a couple of vehicles from auction in France , although there are the usual risks involved I have saved at least a few thousand euros.


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We've bought three used vehicles here. One came via the Citroën Eurocasion system whereby they try and find you what you are looking for on their network, one came from a specialist used commercial vehicle dealer and the third came from the local garage which was only obliged to give 6 months guarantee, the other two gave 12 months although they still had three year manufacturers warranty on them too. Second hand vehicles are expensive when you see that by paying a few thousand euros more you can buy new,but personally a year old vehicle will have had some use and problems discovered already,whereby when I have bought brand new,there are all sorts of little niggles that crop up and even at one time, a factory re-call for a faulty part which caused a lot of inconvenience. There are magazines available like What Car etc in supermarkets for you to compare prices but I would be very wary buying out of the paper without the presence of a good mechanic with you. Friends have bought from Auctions too and saved a great deal but you need to know what you are doing and have some knowledge of vehicles.
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