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Olive wants to drive... danger..danger...


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I cannot believe I am posting this, but the wife has decided she wants her own transport in France god help us and all who sail ect...

        She is ** this year and has decided she wants her own transport to go to the local shop about 4 km away. No driving licence never, one of them toy car things too expensive a dodgem of the fair ground would be ideal but ......bike to old hills where we are ,so what can she ride can you ride or drive say a 50cc moped or scooter in france without a licence sure I have seen a posting about this somewhere, or can she ride one on L plates like in the uk . but then she will have to take a test after 2 years . would it better for her to get a uk provisional licence now before we move out or what, rem we do not speak any French yet so driving test out of the question for a few years.

Miki where are you when I want you .

The world would be a safer place without Olive driving..



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We don't have L plates here. You cannot use UK provisional licenses here. If she wants to learn to drive, she will have to enroll at a driving school. She would have to pass her written test, then her driving test. You will not be able to take her out to practice in your own car either, the scheme is for 16 year olds to start early.

She does not need a driving license to drive an Aixam or other such dinky car.

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I'll put it like this I wouldn't like to be on a moped, paniers full of shopping on country roads. I know one lady who does about that distance on her bike. She pedals in and pushes the bike home when it is laden.

I suspect that is why when we were chosing where to live, and I must add at the time, we certainly couldn't afford two cars, that we ended up within easy walking distance of the village shops.

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Olive, not Dave or the cats,

For popping out to the shops and as long as the roads are pretty safe, then why not buy a scooter ? not cheap new though. You could look for an occasion (2nd hand) from either a private sale or from a shop but as TU said, don't try and overload the poor machine ! For simple things OK, for the weekly shop, well it is up to you

As far as your other questions, this is how I believe it to be now for Adults and a moped (kids between 14 & 16 still need a brevet de securité routière I think) :

No licence required for Mopeds with an engine size up to 50cc, maximum speed of 45 kph, if it has automatic gears, you must be over 14 years old and you must have insurance for the moped.  

A certificate of insurance mentioning the insurance company, the identification number of the insurance holder, the engine number of the vehicle.

 From last June 2004 50cc mopeds and bikes have now to  be registered.

And don't forget the obligatory crash hat !

For many answers to so many questions, have a look through http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/


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Miki, we had a scooter for son, now sold (scooter not son). I had difficulty getting it off it's supports. My old shoulder isn't what it was, neither are the knees.......OK so I am a bit of a wreck really. But I am a game old bird and I would have given it a go if I had managed to be able to just do that. My goal before I did anything else was to be able to get it freestanding and get it back on it's supports, I didn't fancy going anywhere without being able to fulfill these tasks. The riding bit didn't worry me.

So as far as I am concerned no scooter either.

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After hearing of one too many horror stories, we had to refuse our kids a scooter and so bit the bullet and decided to ferry them everywhere. Two kids were killed locally on their scooters, in the few years leading up to our kids 14th birthdays and that just done it for me, so no way. We were 100 yeards from a fairly main road, and the road to school and friends was a little too manic at times, especially in summer but basically all year round.

Go back 35 years or so and the Lambretta and the parka were in my world, strange eh ?  Mum just said, your choice, "bloody 'orrible things, get a car, like sensible people" ! So not too much difference really....



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Re scooters, lots of deaths around here too. As our son, like his dad before him has an aversion to learning to drive a car, we found ourselves in the situation where he would be working not too far from here, but no public transport available. We did ferry him at first, but in the end it meant we couldn't go out as his hours were so lousy, so we ended up with the scooter. I regret the day we bought it though and I'm not sorry it has been sold.

Incidentally, insurance for it was over 200 euros a year.

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Olive, if you get on a 50 cc scooter and go about 4 ks to your nearest town to collect your groceries on country roads similar to ours, then I have to agree with TU and say you are more game than us. Mr O bought one with the view that if he was working during school holidays/weekends then I could still take the girls out in the car. That said the thing has been used a couple of times by him and  trying me to teach me to handle the thing...easier said than done if you are less that 5 ft 6 and not an agile 16 year old lad! also like TU said the insurance doesn`t come in too cheap ours is about 140 euros. Get a crash course(no pun intended!!) of driving lessons in the UK now and get HIM a banger and YOU have the decent car!. Mrs O
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Thanks  for the replies

and ta Miki again

So the wife can ride a moped/scooter without a licence but with the appropriate insurance and skid lid, thats made her smile, we do or will be in the sticks when we get there and are away from main roads 2 cars a week pass our house in the busy season so think she will be safe for her just to nip up the road to the bread man.

 And as far a driving lessons for Olive the last 8 driving instructors told her she was unteachable if there is such a word, 4 of them are still in Denbigh sanatorium, 1 in a wheel chair , 2 on crutches, and the other one migrated to Siberia.


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[quote]Thanks for the replies and ta Miki again So the wife can ride a moped/scooter without a licence but with the appropriate insurance and skid lid, thats made her smile, we do or will be in the stic...[/quote]


I presume this message is very tongue-in-cheek BUT if Olive really has not managed to drive a car, how will she be safer on the road on a moped. If she cannot control it well and has no idea about driving she could still be in danger from the other two drivers or from herself.

I personally would never go shopping on a moped or try to carry anything except myself on a bike - balancing is bad enough at the best of times. I am afraid you also have to think of how she would cope if anything happened to you, lets say you were in the local hospital (ours is 20 mins away from us - some of this on steep wooded roads) how on earth would she get to you or get the shopping she needs when she needs it. We do live in the back of beyond but we both drive, we are already thinking of what we will do when that is just down to one of us and that solution is to move.

Get her to bite the bullet and learn using an intensive course in the UK - expensive but worthwhile.

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Dave, you seem to have had a fairly negative response, so far!

I think a moped would be an option, particularly as you say you'd consider a bicycle if it wasn't so hilly (you could try one with very low gears!).  Of course, Olive would need to be able to carry whatever is going to be carried safely and I'm assuming we're not talking major supermarket excursions here.

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Sorry Dave but .....if this was going to be an issue why didn't you buy a house nearer the shops ?

Does Olive have a plan should it be your turn to meet your maker before her ?

Think you better look for one of those cars that doesn't need a license...and hope that you have set a good example ?

Bon chance Olive !

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Please don't encourage Dave to buy one of those sans permit voitures for Olive. The countryside is chocker block with these most dangerous of all cars.

Believe me, they are often the cause of road rage and accidents. Now they have them in builders trucks, sporty open tops, estate cars, you think I jest you name it they have copied it, no Renault Espace version yet but give **Ligier time.  Twenty years ago, they were the laugh of the lanes, now they are dearer than many half decent cars !!

Dave, do stick to the scooter principle, please don't inflict us with another 45 kph dodgem on the roads !!

** http://www.ligier-automobiles.com

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Oh, I can see the lighter side of Daves posting, but it highlights the possible problems of living in a rural location, what if Dave is in hospital or cannot drive for some other reason - will poor Olive have to do ALL her shopping using a scooter?

BTW we sold the espace, now have a Picasso

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Just picture it, Olive in her parka with The Who nicely drawn on the back and at the rear of the scooter and gleaming in the sunshine is............................................a beautiful chrome trailer.

Now come on, how cool is that and if Dave has reason to visit the hospital, well simply put a futon in the trailer, just how French is that

Please send a picture Dave, if that idea has Olive cooing and the dream becomes reality



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Come on Dave, think of the benefits, she becomes known locally as,THE FACE and you get cheap baguettes from the boulangerie for Olive's fast croissant scooter delivery service

I am offering you an idea and the chance to make it big here, are you brave enough



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Dave - you may be lucky! The baker, the butcher and often the local coop deliver to hamlets in rural France. Listen out for the hooting first thing in the morning. (Ask your neighbours)

You may also be surprised to learn that there is often a local taxi service as well.

Don't buy the scooter, the mobylette or the death wagon for Olive. Very dangerous even on rural roads and lanes.

I have a box fixed on the back of my bike so can buy a few necessaries if van is in garage and I'm desperate but I agree with whoever suggested getting an intensive driving course in the UK. Money very well spent!

I'd go mad out here if I couldn't drive and had to rely on partner taking me out


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