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Changing car insurance... can I? Any recomendations?


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I am about 2.2 years through a car insurance with "direct insurance".

I pay 1200 Euro's for fully comp insurane for a Ford Focus (live in Paris) with a Bonus Malus of .8. My colleauges seem to think this is expensive.

Anyway, I would like to know if I can change my car insurance at any time or just at the point of renewal? (which would be another 10 months)

Also, anyone with recomendations? NOTE: I have a UK car in in France (with the steering wheel on the right) and I know some insurance companies do not cover me because of this (although logically there is probably less chance it would stolen at least!).


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You will need to give a minimum of two months notice in writing to cancel your insurance policy in France,this is standard practice. Paris and other large cities is expensive for vehicle insurance as there is more risk of accident and theft and I know this from a Parisien friend who has a holiday home nearby when we compared costs. Get lots of quotes and see who does the best cover and benefits and prices vary immensely and RH drive may be slightly more expensive anyway because of lack of correct vision when overtaking.
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