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Re-registering Range Rover - update


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I promised to update on how I was progressing with the re-registering of the Range Rover....I tried to find the original thread but it must be miles back so here goes:

Today I received an Attenstation de Conformite Partielle for our LHD American market Range Rover.


This states that it conforms in all but the following:


The motor was designed for the American standards of noise and pollution levels

The lighting was designed for the American standards


We took this to our local garage and he said that when we send this off to the Prefecture we should state on the letter that the lighting has all already been changed to French standards.  Regarding the noise and pollution he was not sure but reminded us that it has passed a French MOT.  The original engine has also been adapted for LPG since it arrived in Europe.


So with all this in mind I am going to gather together all the required paperwork and take it into the Mairie tomorrow morning, hoping to be able to avoid an initial 60Km trip to the Prefecture, as the secretary is convinced she can do everything from the village.  I am sure I will end up on a visit down to DRIRE but if the Mairie can save me several round trips then I will be very grateful.


Has anyone else been in this situation with a Range Rover?  Any advice?


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I notice there has been some interest in this update, which I can further update.  I did take everything to the Mairie and the secretary checked it all, took my passport details and dated and stamped the application form.  I included a stammped addressed envelope and one for the Maire to send it all to the Prefecture out of courtesy.  So now it is time for fingers crossed for as long as it takes them to reply.
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I think someone is pulling your string, I imported an American built RHD Ford from the UK to France, bought H4 replacement headlights from US then applied to Ford France for the Cert. took a week, got it MoT'd then took all the papers to the local office paid the fee, 10 days later fully fledged member of the French motoring fraternity.
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