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Buying a vehicle with a personal cheque


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Last Friday we went to the Renault dealer in St Lo and bought a six month old vehicle. We had expected to view the vehicle and then go back to our French bank to arrange for the funds to be transfered or to get a bankers cheque which would guarentee payment. However none of this was nessecary as the garage accepted a personal Credit Agricole cheque, they did not even phone our bank to check that the money was there. Us Brits must look a whole lot more honest than I would have thought.

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I find the methods, services and costs generally applied by the French banks  poor when compared with the UK banks. However, the one thing they have definitely got right is making it offence to write a cheque for money not in your bank account. I only wish this rule was applied in the UK.


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A cheque is as good as cash in France. Cheques can only be cancelled if lost, stolen or faudeulently obtained. In fact when I first moved to France I took cash to an auction to buy a van, the amount of which was not acceptable under French law. I had to return the following week with a cheque!! Bizarre but one of the big differences between UK and here.


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If you write a cheque which is dishonoured (a wooden cheque or 'cheque du bois') and if the bank decides to allow you thirty days to make good..they will have paid it....you will be barred from holding ANY french cheque account for at least three years. This affects a lot of other matters.

One disadvantage of the system is that you cannot cancel a cheque...even for dishonest trading by the beneficiary so as to protect yourself....If you are not absolutely sure, don't issue a cheque.


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