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London Congestion Zone


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Alright, I know this is "Vehicles in the UK", but what happens if I take my french registered car into Ken's London congestion zone? Does the newt-lover pursue you to France for the charges? or is this a small opportunity to raise one or two fingers to authority? 
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I went to the Transport for London website and did a quick search, not too tricky.

"Any foreign vehicles that are photographed within the charging zone without having paid the appropriate charge will be passed to a European Union Debt Collection Agency who will identify the keeper of the vehicle and issue the Penalty Charge Notice to the identified keeper."

So you can't put two fingers up to us Londoners who think it's a good idea.

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.......and it works to, when we left Demark we had a parking fee outstanding, six months later it turned up at the cars registered address in the uk

 just to point out we didn't do it on purpose!!

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I had a little prob with this. Tried to pay online but would not take my French plate No. So phoned to pay. The women on the other end add the same issue. In the end she told me it was o.k. and so far no ticket. Was a bit concerned has we have a flat in cental London and where in and out of the CC zone.

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I'm not - I'm just one of those Londoners who think that the CC is a good idea. Why assume that if you put your fingers up to 'authority' you don't offend anyone else? Why assume that we're all trying to get away with something - even just a few pounds - and we'll agree with you?
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There is an internationally agreed legal device to deliver tickets to owners of foreign registered cars. However, it depends which two countries are involved. Holland & Belgium co-operate; Belgium and Germany don't seem to.

In fact, the chances of a ticket reaching you are remote between most countries. My guess is our Gendarmes have enough bureaucracy without pursuing these "foreign" tickets.

This was a question of great concern to Red Ken before the scheme was introduced. His legal advice was as above, with the rider that, in practise, most would get away with it.

Has anyone received a penalty from the London congestion scheme here in France ?

Has anyone received a ticket from a UK speed camera here in France ?


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