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How will claim affect Bonus/Malus?


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Some ***** has damaged the side of my car when it it was well-parked on a public street (leaving no note, obviously). This is the second time this has happened in a year (the last time a truck really damaged it, but they left a note and we got their insurance to pay).

Does anyone know how this will affect my Bonus/Malus if I make a claim to get this repaired? (I have fully comp. cover and a Bonus/Malus of .8).

It's an annoying situation - I can pay 2.50 a week to park my car in a parking space in Paris, or 80.00 a month to put it in a public carpark.

It always runs the risk of getting damaged when it's on the street due to the many cars which pass by and the people who try and reverse park next to the car many times a week.

Any help/thought on this appreciated.


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I have a nasty feeling you may well lose out on this one. After speaking to several locals who have had accidents as well as us,usually through no faults of our own like you we all agreed it was far better to get the repairs done privately and keep the insurance bonus up and reducing the chance of a huge insurance rise next time as insurances are going up horrendously here. Remember too that after paying out the franchise (excess) you won't be a lot better off it is a smallish repair job. Have you noticed how many french cars have dents and worse that never get repaired - perhaps that will tell you your answer.
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Hi Val,

>Have you noticed how many french cars have dents and worse that never get repaired - perhaps that will tell you your answer.

Funny you should mention that - a quick survey last night revealed that approximately 1 in 5 cars we saw on the Paris Peripherique has some nasty bump/damage. Looks like I will have to get the repairs done myself - I think it will be a nice 150 Euro's at least - not very nice to pay for someone's elses fault.


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