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Getting a Cert of Conf from DRIRE?


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Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but... I read posts from people who've had to pay £100-200 for a CofC from the manufacturer; Opel France want €120 for the Cert for my Vauxhall...

but according to the DRIRE website - http://www.drire.gouv.fr/national/vehicules/imp-voitu.html , they will send you one for €67 so why would I need to pay more to the manufacturer?

Could anyone confirm that DRIRE's "attestation d'identification auprès de la DRIRE pour permettre l'immatriculation d'une voiture usagée importée de l'Espace Economique Européen (EEE)" IS, as far as re-registering goes, exactly the same as a manufacturer's Cert of Conf?
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Excatly the same.

If the car and model is on their computers, which so many are now, then yes, you can simply go to the DRIRE for it. I prefer to go there with all the bumph and let them check it all out and, if all is OK, they will let you know by post quite quickly and then you simply go to your nearest sous prefecture (or prefecture) to pick up the carte grise.

N.B The DRIRE will require a stamped addressed enevelope in which all the bumph is sent back to you in, this is then taken to the (sous) prefecture. Now I have to add, this is how 3 depts I work with actually do it, it may be slightly diffrent elsewhere.

Not all manufacturers make a charge and many new models come with the C de Con. There is no rhyme or reason as to who charges what for the cert.

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