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A Rivetting Topic


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OK, I hold my hands up. They got me bang to rights, guilty as charged. Even the fine of €45 euros is not too bad. However it must have been a very sad policeman with a lot of time on his hands who went along a line of parked cars in the centre of bordeaux to identify that mine had the number plates screwed on and not rivetted. The good news is that if I rectify it and present it to the gendarmes within 5 days I don't have to pay the fine!


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Hoverfrog, is that in UK or France? In France rivets are mandatory and I knew I had to change them. When I re registered (4 years ago!) I just used the existing screws and holes and never got round to replacing with rivets. It took about 20 minutes yesterday to fix. Now all I have to do is find an open Gendarmerie to have it inspected.

The avis de contravention states - "Non respect des regles sur immovibilite des plaques d'immatriculation. Art R 317.8 Code Routiere". The last bit about code routiere was a bit difficult to decipher and may not be completely accurate

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As I said it is four years since changing to French plates and it too had passed two control techniques in 2001 and 2003. However it now has rivetted plates and the seal of approval my local Gendarmerie, who were quite amused at my major breach of the law.  
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