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Motor Home Horror Stories


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My wife and I intend to tour the south and south west of France towards the end of this year in a Motorhome. We will be searching for property.  However I have read (somewhere) and heard that security is a major issue in the south of France as there are numerous incidents where Motorhomes are targeted by criminal gangs, even whilst the owners are asleep on board. It isn't causing us to think twice about doing it but it certainly is making us think hard about where we go, security measures etc.  I know that a lot of this is common sense but has anyone got any particular experiences to add to my sleepless nights or is it no worse than anywhere else.


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This isn't my particular cup of tea but I would be inclined to only stay overnight in proper enclosed campsites and not in the open countryside anywhere however attractive it may be. I wouldn't say this is a regular occurance all over the country and in places where it has happened you can bet the gendarmes have an eye open as it does the tourist idustry and the economy no favours. Maybe you should take a large dog with you as well! Don't take anything much of value with you either like jewellery or expensive electrical items and keep your cheque books/passports hidden at all times.
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There have been some stories of gas attacks upon motorhomes and caravans but it may be these are widely reported upon because of their very nature.  If you are concerned about this there are gas detection devices available to protect you and as has already been advised normal security awareness is required wherever you go in Europe including the UK.  You shouldn't have much need to wild camp as there are numerous official sites and many towns and even villages all over France have motorhome areas with toilet disposal points and electrical hook-up, many of them free.

What you should also watch out for are people offering cheap electrical goods. These are offered at service stops and are nothing but rubbish.  I haven't bought them myself but have been offered them and to me its obvious they are c**p.


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We have travelled to most parts of France during the last four years in our car and caravan, staying for several months at a time. We have always stayed in  caravan sites, including some very good municipal ones. We have never felt insecure and I would recommend this type of exploring the country. I would never stay overnight in lay-bys parking areas or Aire de Repos. Sites can be found from lots of good guides, I would especially recommend the Caravan Club European edition.

Do give it a go but take reasonable precautions regarding security and you shouldhave a wonderful time.

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We travel in France quite a bit, both in our car and towing a caravan. I am very careful regarding security......

We carry photocopies of ALL our documents in the car with us, I have a safe box which is fitted in the bottom of the cupboard behind the fire, this holds our car documents E111 etc when we are in the van.

I do not use a handbag when we are away, I have a small shoulder purse which is big enough to carry our passports and a small purse. I use a debit card when ever possible and draw cash from machines only when I have to and not in large amounts, if you have a nationwide account they do not charge you for withdrawals on the continent. I also have a spare credit card taped under the carpet in one of the bunks, anyone wanting to get it would have to roll both of us out of bed in order to get into the bunks. I never leave cameras etc out even the wireless and small TV go in the bunk overnight, and we booby trap the door of the van with the table, if anyone opens the door the table will fall out at them. I do not leave the roof vents open at night, although we do leave one of the windows on the night catch.

NEVER stay on aires there are plenty of camp sites around and they are far safer.

Having said all this, enjoy yourself, just take care and do not flash stuff around and you will be fine, I do not even wear a watch when we are away, if we need to know the time we have a clock in the car and the van and my husband wears a very old one.

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I can only repeat what other posters have.....stay in campsites. There is a Municiple campsite in most towns, just sitting here now I can think of 3 in a 20 mile radius and they have all the neccesities(shower/loo/laundry )

Mrs O

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A few years ago before coming to France permanently, we stayed on a commercial site in Provence one summer. Because of the heat we had a window open at night. In the morning I found that my briefcase with all our documents, cards etc that was under the bed had gone. I only knew about it at breakfast when a gendarme turned up with the now empty case which was found not far from the site.

Apparently the thief had used a long wire to poke through the window and release the door catch, then entered the van and stolen the case, all while we were asleep.

Fortunately I was in the Caravan Club and was able to get replacement cash etc but it took all day to organise that and cancel credit cards.

Moral of this story is don't leave everything in one place, and preferably in a safe hidden in the vehicle.

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I'd love to drive around France in a motorhome, I was suprised how many villages cater for these, in our tiny village is a little area adjoining the park where you can hook up electric and get rid of any waste, brilliant.

Enjoy, cant see you having any problems.

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