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We are looking for someone to check our house over.

There are a few things we are concerned about, the main one being rising damp.

In England we would call a surveyor. Is there a french equivalent or would it be best asking a local builder.



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There is an equivalent, and not necessarily the expert who is sent to value things.

Its a bit late for me now but I will look it up over the weekend.

I found one having asked my mortgage lender. Sadly he inspected and advised but never reported. He got ill and I fear the worst.


Good luck



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On the suggestion of the estate agent, we used the same chap who did the termite/asbestos/lead reports - perhaps from an independent point of view (e.g. he was working for both the vendor and ourselves) not the best thing - but I didn't want to pay the prices that surveyors charge for a full structural survey...I just wanted someone to cast a semi-official eye over it make sure that there was nothing drastically wrong with the house!

Although he was very complimentary about the size of the bathroom and said we could easily make a feature of the beamed ceiling in the living room...he clearly neglected to look in the small attic and tell us that the gas flue didn't actually go through the roof (ahem), it stopped just short...to the untrained eye (e.g. mine) it looked like it went through...but sadly no. So, for the last three weeks since we got here we have been pumping carbon monoxide into the house - so, not much of an 'expert' after all!!

I don't think the knowledge would have stopped me buying the house, but 'forewarned is forearmed' and all that...if you have the time and the money to get it done properly, then do so!!


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[quote]Hello We are looking for someone to check our house over. There are a few things we are concerned about, the main one being rising damp. In England we would call a surveyor. Is there a french equiv...[/quote]

Yes there is a french equivalent - unfortunately I don't have the details to hand but when we purchased I contracted a local architect to survey the house before signing the compromis.

The survey he conducted was a standard survey covering all aspects - construction, condition, services, etc etc.. The report was in a format pre-defined by a professional body for Architects and structural engineers and was very detailed - way beyond the "home buyers" survey that you get in the UK.

Although I did not specifically ask for a report in English the architect made a really good attempt at translating all his comments . Cost (from memory) around 400 euros.

I am travelling for the next four days - if you would like more details of what the survey and the professional body is called I can post them when I get back.




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To obtain Expert advice is wise, but I have often found myself challenging it; and when I do it frequently changes. Particularly where building are concerned, I have found it pays to look carefully myself, to identify anything I see that 'looks' or feels unusual, or that I don't completely understand. I then do a little research myself into possible explanations, causes, cures, and remedial costs so I have some facts of my own. This has saved me unnecessary worry and cash!



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This is the link you need www.adia.org there is an english language section

Who are we ?

Association for REAL ESTATE diagnosis by the ARCHITECT (ADIA) ASSOCIATION (subject to law of 1901) gathering about 300 liberal architect installed all over France metropolitan and overseas (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Reunion).

Our services ?

All missions of advices, assistance and diagnosis to individuals and organizations in the scope of constructed estate (purchase of old home, new construction, remodeling, renovation...)

What you need to ask for is a "BILAN de SANTE IMOBILIER" - it is an extremely detailed condition report (9 pages of A4) covering all the structure, the fittings , decor and all the services. Where appropriate they grade any work needed into A- immediate, B- Intervention in 2 to 5 years, C- intervention after 5 years.

Cost for a 4 bed villa was 410 euros ( 3 years ago).

Hope that helps



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  • 3 months later...

Dont forget that in general a UK registered chartered surveyor is not classed as approved in France. In the event of you paying a deposit, getting a UK registered surveyor to check the proberty and he comes up with problems it is highly unlikely that you would get your deposit back should you wish to withdraw from the sale on the basis of his report alone.

This would seem quite logical to me as the building methods, not to mention house wiring and plumbing, is considerably different to the UK. One massive difference is the need for modern(ish) houses to be built to earthquake standard, would a UK surveyor cover such a thing in his/her training in the UK?

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