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Importing within 2 weeks of arrival


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Is this possible?  We're leaving Holland next week and have to hand in the dutch plates which our cars currently carry.  We'll be given temporary export plates which are valid for two weeks, in which time we are expected to get the new French plates.  The temporary plates then have to be posted back to a garage in Holland.

The question... has anyone ever imported their car within a two week time period?


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The plates have a month and year date on them. It seems to depend when in the month you leave. I had closer to 3 weeks, and just managed it.

My problem was getting the type approval from Peugeot. I had the euro approval for the range of that model, but the local Prefecture insisted on the exact chassis No.

If you have this in advance, it is not too bad because insurance and tax exemption cert should be while you wait.

Bonne chance







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Yes, it's certainly possible. It will probably vary slightly from place to place, but it definitely can be done - my own French-registered car is a Belgian import and that was re-registered in a few days, albeit through a dealer.

The key is getting a copy, from the manufacturer or French importer, of the vehicles' European Certificates of Conformity. If you have that you are 90% of the way there. If you can't get that then you could be in trouble. If the vehicles are more than 6months old then the tax certificate should be a mere formality, and if more than four years old you will need to get a French Controle Technique certificate. You will need registration or export paperwork from the Netherlands so make sure you have that with you too.

You can often save time and trouble by going straight to the main prefecture for your département, though sub-prefectures will deal with registration. This page deals with UK imports, there wil be slight differences for you but the main principles are the same: http://www.vienormande.com/afactp/vehicle%20reg.htm.

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Ok, so it looks like my car will be ok because I have the certificate of conformity from when I brought it over from the UK.  The OH's car may take longer, but we'll phone around to get his send on to us.  The temporary plates must be returned within 2 weeks of being given them so I figure the cars will just have to stay in the garage until we get the French side sorted out.

No doubt the motorbike will prove the biggest problem!

I'll let you know how we get on!

Thanks for the replies.

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  • 1 month later...

Just an update to say my car now has french plates!  The OH did it all, but he's singing the praises of the French system as he found it totally hassle free! 

Although we've been here 4 weeks, we only started to ball rolling on importing it on Monday of this week.  He picked up the dedouane-thingy yesterday, had it tested (MOT equivalent) this morning, and registered it this afternoon.

The motorbike has proved a problem as the capacity needs to be reduced before it can be issued with the right certificate. 

As for the OH's car, we're waiting for the COC (which incidentally is an extortionate 120 euro's from Fiat - mine was free from Citroen)


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