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Just thought I'd ask a question before I take bits off it. My old 1992 volvo 940 petrol turbo runs perfect. Engine completely rebuilt 10000 miles ago. Loads of new bits. Done by friend and volvo technision. On brisk acceleration it goes as it should but is very slightly lumpy. It feels like a miss but it's so slight and irregular it may be something else. Never rears it's head at any other time. Thought it may be distributer cap. It,s contacts are worn halfway through.It's the original and should have changed it at rebuild. A volvo diagnostic check came up A1 and the volvo mechanic struggled to detect it on a test drive, but it's there. Any suggestion gratefully recieved. My wifes not noticed it and she's so paranoid about cars she thought the ticking of a hydrolic pump of a Citroen nearby was the volvo about to fall apart! Thanks in advance.

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Could be the Mass Air Flow Meter. I had similar (but serious) problems and ended up getting rid of the car as changing the parts didn't keep it running more than a few months. The only theory we ever came up with was pollen gumming it up.

But I'm not sure what it is or what it does!
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I have owned a 265GLE estate from new in 1882! Still runs as sweet as the day she was born.

The problem you have is quite common. From time to time the distributor cap gets a hair line crack due to it's awkward position against the engine bulkhead. I think a 940 is similar. Humidity gets into the works and the engine lumpy. The crack is not easily visible to the naked eye. Replace the cap and your problem should be solved. I am on cap number 4.

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I can sympathise with you as we too run an elderly Volvo here in France - and it's a bit of a nightmare when something goes wrong! You don't think it could be an early warning sign of the fuel pump packing in?? Ours is a S70 diesel and the pump packed in just as we arrived to live in France, and ended up costing 2600 euros!!!!! You will find loads of Volvo experts if you go onto the Volvo Owners Club website. They have a category for each model if you look through the forum. There are also suppliers of new and used spares. Our electric window control packed in recently and we ordered one by email, paid over the phone, and had it here two days later! Good luck!
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Many thanks for all the advice. I,ll go the distributer cap route. The car runs very nicely but I like it so much I,d rather have it running 100% than 95%. There is a volvo breakers off the M27 outside Southhampton. I've got bits second hand from there. He's not too good at mail order as he's a bit absent minded but if you're ever catching the boat..... I will Email tel no. and address if interested. The Volvo dealers at Brehal was breaking a 940 last year so that could be an idea for fuel pumps etc... I'm not sure high price of car spares is solely the demain of Volvo. Ford ,Peugeot etc.. all seem to be scarily priced. Dick smith. Had an electrical problem a few months ago. Garage in St Hilaire sorted it by repairing one of those small black boxes. But I suppose you don't have a Volvo any more. Don't think I'm allowed to name garage on this forum but the main man their is called Cyril. I will post later with progress report. Thanks to all again.
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"....I have owned a 265GLE estate from new in 1882"


So it's Ye olde Volvo ? and I thought the 2 series came out in the 1980's

Anyway, having lived near a Volvo dealer who we dealt with and the chap in charge of servicing etc there played soccer for our club, all our Volvos were serviced with them. We had this kind of thing happen on a couple of our estate cars. One time we were driving in fairly hot temperatures when the car kept giving fairly minor splutters, with the van on the back it was a bit of a concern but on ringing the garage and explaining the problem, the chap said that the problem with estates on occasion, was that the fuel line is fairly long and either the fuel would slightly evaporate or one of then pumps could play up. If I remember right, doesn't the 2 series have a fuel pump in the tank and another close to the front passenger area ?

We had it happen again a couple more times with other Volvos and this time, again it was either the fuel pump that was a little intermittent in its working or the fuel line simply being in too close a proximity to a hot road surface, sounds incredible but true !

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I once had a Volvo which got clutch slip on left hand turns. That got a laugh at the garage, I can tell you.

Turned out the clutch cable had come loose and was caught on the dog-leg on the steering column...

I've driven the things for years (though not back into the 19th century) and the ways they can go wrong never fail to amaze me.
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I had a look back at this posting again and thought I'd landed back in London attacks! I think everyone has owned a Volvo at some time. I was at the Mont today, the bit a couple of miles before it by the beach picnicy place. Their was a brit volvo like mine and a dutch one. I thought I'd arrived at an owners club meeting. Mine's French registered and a French cyclist came over to chat as he had the same car but a diesel. Even more bizarre, I told him I was a cyclist as well and promptly showed him my bike in the back. I cycle to meet the missus whilst she drives. He'd cycled from Domfront and.... ok I'm boring the pants off you now, but just shows that the old girl may be overweight,thirsty and generally expensive but she's good at making friends. The Volvo's good too!
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Never seen such a faithful hard working horse for carrying 2 kids, their trunks, their boxes of school books/stationery, their unecessary-over-the-top paraphernalia and their ghettoblasters! on a 150 miles round trip to and back from school during the last 3 years! Now it's the Uni run! One in Canterbury and the other in Exeter... all the way from way up in Mid-Wales!

So great for carting up all the goodies my parents pack me up with and the Leclerc trolley (s-I use 2!) dash in Le Havre on my twice a year trip home to France!

Mine is M reg, on 130000miles, had it 3rd hand. Not a spot of bother with it, except at the last service the mechanic didn't do the oil change properly. Driving home from work, smoke comes out of the bonnet and the engine was covered in oil!! So the mechanic got whatsit out of me and I'll get a better (dare I say ? free...?...) service next time!...

Will be bereft when it will finally go to the great Volvo heaven in the yonders!
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