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Personal plates II


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Now this is getting bizarre Chris !!

When I kept it on the original thread and supported Fay, it got deleted, and now thanks to all the recent PC hollering and hooting, if we go off just for just a few posts, then that is also threatened to be put elsewhere. I know you mods have some difficult choices to please us all but, as in all walks of life, by trying to please all, you can all too often please no one !

We have, all of us who care for Fay's predicament, said our piece (apart from what has been deleted that is)and the thread as in general, has slipped in to other factors. Motorhead and I were discussing the rights or wrongs of what one can do (or not) with ones money. It had probably run it's course but by jumping in so quickly at just 16 minutes after my post, you really will have to spend a long time now marshalling all the threads or be accused of too much heavy handling of what is basically the norm for most threads, or once again be accused of not acting exactly the same all over the forum.

A little while back a regular member on here told me they had looked through threads and in nearly all of them, there was a fair amount of going off the original thread, it happens for goodness sake, let it do so in the majority of cases, or surely you will have to delete many threads and then what will this site end up as ? I reckon just another heavy handed moderated Forum. And some of us know which French sites are like that and it's not TF by the way !

I was in now way being disrespectful to Fay (and nor I believe was Motorhead either) if one of my earlier posts had stayed on, it would have been plainly obvious even more so, to how much I was annoyed that her predicament was taken so lightly by another person.

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Got to agree with you Miki.

I was responsible for dragging this thread off on a related tangent at one point, picking up on Ron's thoughts on LHD/RHD cars. It was in no way disrespectful of the original poster's point, just a harmless meander that I thought had the makings of quite an interesting and useful discussion. I now find that it's been deleted..

I really think this was a bit heavy-handed, but if it was really thought necessary, couldn't the bits have been reconstituted as a fresh thread by the Mod concerned? Not that my particular points were that important, it's just that I guess we all contribute to this site in the hope of being able to learn from each other and offer useful help and advice where possible. A little disappointing to have your thoughts dimissed like that.

As you say Miki, going off the original thread happens - sometimes it goes somewhere, sometimes not. Surely that's part of what such a forum's all about.

Hope I kept to the point okay...

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Miki, we did cross post (I type slowly sorry) and I did PM you and apologise. I did read everything in the thread and the reason I deleted the posts supporting Fay after a particular comment was made was because I wanted to delete anything that might point back to the post that was removed (hence I had to repost a edited version of one of your posts as it contained a quote from a deleted post).

Fays posting made the thread become quite sensitive and my sole reason for the deleting and editing was to remove anything that could cause offence to her in her unique personal situation. To be honest if it was not for the particular nasty post that had to be deleted I would never have done anything. In my own defence (not that I feel I should really have to defend myself) you two (miki and TU) of all people know that I am the sort that just lets things go normally and let you guys sort things out yourselves. I am only full of good intentions, honest.

On the issue of where you spend your money I agree that it's up to the individual. You earn it you spend it. I wouldn't personally buy a private plate as they are expensive and I can waste my money better elsewhere.

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"....I wouldn't personally buy a private plate as they are expensive and I can waste my money better elsewhere"

I'll say you can, although if it's money wasted or better spent is up for debate IMO Chris, e.g your Tom Tom or whatever and around £500 plus dearer than a good old Michelin Map

Sorry Chris but on this occasion, I think you were too quick off the mark and no harm was intended or meant and all was quite innocent. Stay off the sherbert and count to 100 (if you can after the sherbert

Thanks to Nickd and Tourangelle for seeing the point and to to the latter for bringing up the fact about who was actually the original poster.

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