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triumph 21 dream


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Well you nostalgic bunch of readers-what is the longest time you have saved  to buy a dream?

i remember when i was 16 wanting a byke ----but a new one.

salaries were pathetic in newcasle  in 1953  and i was at home ,on board and saved for 4 years before i had the third deposit necessary for credit.

youngsters dont know there born now.

i bought a triumph 21 350 twin and by the time i paid off what i owed in 2 years found i was offered a job abroard and my girlfriend wanted to come.

yes you guessed it sold byke for peanuts and bought things for the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

are there still any of these bykes still around? back end looked like a scooter or inverted bath.

at my age maybe a bath-chair would be more suitable according to my wife.


goodbye memory lane.

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I remember paying what seemed like years for a pair of platform shoes from a Freemans catalogue when I was 14 or 15. These extra few inches in height (carefully concealed by my "six button" wasteband patch pocket trousers), enabled me to go to the local pub in school lunchtime and get served

Then I remembered my first bike (well moped) a Yamaha FS1E or "fizzie", which was on hire purchase at £195 , can't remember how long it took me to pay it off, in fact Im probably still paying it off now   Then came the death inducing Yamaha RD250, how I'm still alive I don't know

I did save a deposit for the fizzie, I was a milkboy for 4 years (used to get £1 for the weekend!!) , and then did evening paperound, and also worked on butchery counter after school before paperound, as well as all the usual stuff like washing cars and bob a job.



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           you are now talking my youth , a Tiger 21 back in ohhhh, I cut away the back mud guard it used to make the back wheel lift at speed , and the held the SAMS record from Chester cross to lampit street chip shop in Wrexham in 9 mins for a fare fews years on that motor .

             just call me stupid

             an old Sams nick name


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