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Do you get sent a reminder when the fisrt CT is due and also, do you have to have the test done in you own dept. The reason for this question is that we live on the border of our dept and the CT centres in the other two neighbouring depts are nearer to us.

thanks in advance.
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If you bought a car from a garage then they may let you know it's due for the first time. No one official will though so it is up to you. We have found that our CT place always sends us a reminder, but I never depend on that.

Why don't you just go in and ask if you can have it done at these places that are closer and the price, around here not all CT places charge the same. Might not be much difference, but I prefer it in my pocket to theirs.

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If you bought via a dealer/garage you do often get a reminder that the first one is due (they obviously want the business etc) but buying privately you won't get any reminder. In France its upto you to keep all in order and ignorance isn't an excuse.
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Nothing to do with the Controle Technique. How did you do with the brain sex test? I was rather amazed to find that my brain scored exactly the same as the average female.

Probably somethiing to do with my spatial and systemising skills (a male preserve) being crap, while my empathising and judging emotions were strongly in the female camp rather than the male. An interesting test, and one which probably helps explain why I was never happy working as an engineer.

Back to the topic - your vehicle's carte grise should tell you when the controle technique is due. It's then up to you to organise it, either go direct to a test centre yourself or ask your friendly local garage to prepare the vehicle and put it through on your behalf - depending on how confident you are in either your garage or your own mechanical knowlege (probably whether you have a male or female brain will determine which way you go - I think I'll be talking to the garage when my car's first CT becomes due at the end of the year )

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