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Mobile homes and Central Heating

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We live in the countryside near Limoges and have been freezing the last couple of months.
Would like some advice about central heating for next year. Blazing log fires are great, but hard work and not as warm as needed.
We dont have town gas, but use canister gaz. Are there any experts who know which is the best, cheapest to run forms out of oil, gaz or electricity? If you are an installer, I sure would like to speak to you.

Also we need a mobile home for all our impending visitors. Does anyone know of a supplier of used mobile homes, other than Canvas homes or have one they wish to sell on?

Thanks for help


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it's worth having a look round the forums as this topic has been discussed before but I think the general consensus is that Electric is the most expensive, followed by bottled or tank gas with Oil being the cheapest to run.


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You had better ask at your Mairie if you can have a mobile home on your land. Ours wouldn't give more than very limited permission.

Re heating. I would insulate well and get a stove or foyer fermer of quality and heat like that if gaz de ville wasn't available.

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