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Speeding question


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[quote]I'm sad to say, but France is getting more and more like the U.K. Speed cameras to make money. Only ever seem to see them on open roads with a broken white line. If that section is prone to accidents ...[/quote]

Couldn't agree more Richard.  That's exactly how my husband got his recent ticket at 75 in a 70kph area.  If he had braked within the space allowed we would have all been in serious danger of nasty cases of whiplash and a pretty smashed up rear end!!

Have just a Parisian avocat staying at our B&B tonight - great temptation not to just bombard him with queries all night.  However, he brought up the case of the new speed cameras and said that he was certain they are purely for revenue and agreed that most are not in the right place to prevent accidents.  He did also say however, that if you plan your route via the michelin site it tells you where all the speed cameras are on your route - how French!!

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Jonz,please tell what you think is abuse,I told you what you asked to know.People do indeed try to help with questions, like you asked.Why post if you only want to hear from your own sort?

Only last week I moved our caravan(here in france),a swift 520twin axle,,well over the 750kg you asked about and I answered.



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[quote]I see the insults are flying again from certain quarters, mainly from people who can't, or won't read or spell. I sold our caravan in the U.K. before we came over TO LIVE in France! When we have explo...[/quote]

Where's the insult from Outcast hidden? Perhaps it's the word "avid" you took offence to.

Just as a side issue, which will more then likely start a "string" of simalar statements. I passed five driving tests first time, Motorbike, Car, HGV, Advanced, Taxi. I also used to have licences for PPL single and twin (1900hrs) and helicopter (600hrs), plus sea-plane.

But I still detest all caravaners.


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[quote]Is there any truth in what I have heard that if you change to a French licence you can't tow a caravan, as there is a 750 Kg towing limit. Also on my U.K. licence I can drive a truck up to 7.5 tons an...[/quote]

I found a website recently which explained the categories on driving licences, alas I have mislaid the address now but will post again if I find it. I had been concerned about the possibility of losing my bike licence. It appeared to say that categories are now uniform across the EU.  If anyone is sure about the 750kg towing limit please post. It doesn't affect us at the moment since we still have British licences, but as builders we tow 1500kg regularly so we need to be sure in case my husband, as a result of the speeding ticket, has to change his licence.  Our vehicles could in fact tow more than this but our standard French insurance policy only covers us to tow up to 1500kg.  A towing limit of 750kg would cause us a serious problem


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"Jonsgob,being an avid caravaner the problem you speak of is due the insurance"

Outcast I appologise for taking umbridge at your reply. I saw the first word, underlined, and read the rest in the same way. My forum name is Jonzjob. The reason for the name is lost in history.


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[quote]Where's the insult from Outcast hidden? Perhaps it's the word "avid" you took offence to. Just as a side issue, which will more then likely start a "string" of simalar statements. I passed five driv...[/quote]

...... I passed five driving tests first time, Motorbike, Car, HGV, Advanced, Taxi. I also used to have licences for PPL single and twin (1900hrs) and helicopter (600hrs), plus sea-plane

Course you did Boggie but, that ain't so clever.

You haven't passed the 25 metre swimming badge, nor the cycling proficiency and it's no good trying to say you have now


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Here's the solution to speeding fines, just change your number plates:

Less than diplomatic driving

Jon Henley in Paris
Thursday March 17, 2005
The Guardian

Nearly 7,000 drivers, mainly foreign diplomats and French officials including top civil servants and senior policemen, escaped fines after being caught by France's new automatic speed traps last year.

The satirical weekly Le Canard Enchainé, citing a leaked interior ministry document, said the diplomatic corps was clocked over the speed limit 2,590 times, with the worst offenders being China (155 times) and Russia (124) and the best-behaved Brazil (16) and the US (12).

Unmarked cars carrying police and government officials were caught 4,400 times. Vehicles registered to President Jacques Chirac's Elysée Palace were let off five times, and those belonging to the prime minister four times, the paper said.

A ministry official promised greater vigilance "as to whether speeding was justified" in future.

Definitely a lack of égalité going on, don't you think?   Shall we have a revolution?   


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[quote]Here's the solution to speeding fines, just change your number plates: Less than diplomatic driving Jon Henley in Paris Thursday March 17, 2005 The Guardian

I'm up for the revolution !

I shall demand my fine money back (and my points) and I shall have to change my name to Chas Chirac or Ricky Rafarin.

What then would my chance then be amongst the corrupt b******s. Even Charlie boy in the UK and fellow family members have had a slap on the wrists and I believe a fine or two to boot for motoring offences.

So it's hiss-boo to the Republic and hurrah for the Royals. Oo--er what am I saying, off for a lie down to get over this


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Thank goodness there is a free press in the UK otherwise charlie boy and the rest of them not to mention the mp,s and the coppers who got flashed by the camera,s but no one knew who was driving the cop car at the time may of got away with it.Would the free french press be so bold?????
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Not sure outie but someone told the grauniad about it !

SB, you really ought to have  put a warning up about what the forum member would see if they clicked on the The Guardian in your post.

Blige me, Tina was first to spot the meat and  two veg


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Fancy that, 'David's Scrotum' in the Grauniad... No wonder I gave up reading it.

As I wouldn't imagine the home page will stay like that for long, this is a link to the story: http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/research/improbable/story/0,11109,1440087,00.html and the offending picture should be available by clicking here.

Getting back to the topic, I could tell you a few stories about a young Brighton policeman I used to know. He used to blag lifts home or to the station off me and the number of 'special dispensations' I got to take him home after a few beers or to drive a Landrover at 75mph on country roads because he was late for his train... (they did work, cos we were stopped once). He is now Chief Constable of part of Wales, well known for his forthright views in favour of speed cameras. plus ça change...

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[quote]" Jonsgob ,being an avid caravaner the problem you speak of is due the insurance" Outcast I appologise for taking umbridge at your reply. I saw the first word, underlined, and read the rest in the...[/quote]

I was told at the Prefecture when I wanted to change my UK licence for a French one, that to keep all the groups on my licence I would have to have a medical at a doctor on the the official recommended list, if all ok then all the groups from Uk licence would be transferred to the new French one.
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<<Fancy that, 'David's Scrotum' in the Grauniad... No wonder I gave up reading it.>>

But a fascinating piece of research nonetheless.  Was this all really my fault?   This sudden heatwave, it's not the Spring at all, it's me blushing. 

And you're not going to believe this, but David's Scrotum is in fact on my ironing board as we speak.   I enjoy my ironing. 


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but David's Scrotum is in fact on my ironing board as we speak

The mind boggles but the legs are severely crossed, the very thought of that red hot iron in the vicinity of Davids scr.....it is the same feeling you get when you lick a dry lollipop stick and that feeling of  queasiness makes you curl up 

I do think of the Independant and the Guardian as similar good reads but, now it appears that the Guardian is the Independant but with nobs (sp !) on 



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Exactly the same thing happened to my husband last week in Bellac.  Think the speed camera is near the new roundabout where the new bypass is going to be.  There's a 50 Km/hr limit and he was doing 58, not exactly fast but there you go.  Its easily done when the road is empty.  Paid the fine on the Internet and now going to be good citizens and change the license before they force us to. 


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  • 4 months later...

[quote]Is there any truth in what I have heard that if you change to a French licence you can't tow a caravan, as there is a 750 Kg towing limit. Also on my U.K. licence I can drive a truck up to 7.5 tons an...[/quote]

I had a 90 euro fine today for not stopping at a stop sign even though there was no other traffic on the road and no danger to any other road users.

cheeky Gendarmes were hiding round the corner....

The only danger received was to my wallet, as I have a Uk licence will I have to surrender for a french one for points deducted?

The gendarme had such terrible writing, can't read what he has put in the points box.

I will have to sit tight and wait for the letter from the prefecture.




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I'm not too sure of my ground here, but I was talking to a friend the other day and he told me that he had been caught for an offence annd he said that now there is a reciprocal agreement between the police forces in the U.K. and France points can be added to your U.K. licence if you a resident here in France. They probably tell you to change your licence because it's easier for them? It may well be worth chasing it because a French licence is more restricive, i.e. 750 Kg for towing a trailer and 3 1/2 ton if you want to hire a truck. Not too many people will be worried about the truck, but if you have a caravan? By the way if you have never towed a caravan then don't knock it until you have!


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