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This may seem a silly question but ....

On our previous many visits to France we have always travelled as a family with driver and passenger , so when we hit the tolls there was no problem obtaining the tickets and paying at the other end,however,in a little over a week we will be making the big push which means I will be driving the family car with two young kids in the back (no passenger in front) and my husband and our dog following in our van. Short of trying to get the dog to hand over the cash or both drivers having to alight from the vehicles to collect tickets & pay do they have a seperate lane specifically for right hand drive vehicles.

I know this may sound silly to some but I have been panicking about hitting these tolls and as we have never encountered the problem before I just seem to be gettinmg myself in a tizz !!!!!   

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Some of the tolls nearest to the sea ports do indeed have right hand side windows.  They often are marked too so you can see at a glance.

Don't worry though.  Go into the lorry drivers lane and get out and walk around the car.  Blow them.  I have to do it when I travel in the UK and pass by the Dartford Tunnel.  The other lanes are a bit tight.

Cleverer folk on here can advise you about passes but you will still be on the wrong side I think to pop it in the hole.

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Hi.Don't panic!!! I've done it tons of times on my own.You just get out and walk round!!If it's a bit narrow at the paying area I park slightly short of it.Not as simple as having a passenger to do it for you,but hey,it's nothing in the overall scheme of things


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With little kids I have always walked around.  With bigger kids, I have pulled that bit further forward and they have handed over the card and money. They used to fight over who would sit there. Ours ofcourse going the other way, our first toll was the Dartford Tunnel or the Severn Bridge. And up north the Tyne Tunnel.

Doesn't really matter what other motorists think or do, you have to pay.


As Opelfruit said for France have you thought about getting a Tele badge, then  you would just drive through anyway.

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Thanks to all who have saved my sanity !!!

I have looked into the Telepeage system but I don't think we would use it on a regular basis to justify it.Once we have done this trip we should be travelling in each others company again. Just didn't want any roadrage being my first experience of living in France !

Now all I have to worry about are the two fighting kids in the back of the car .....oh well,c'est la vie !


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It is easily done as I confirm as someone who just made a return journey to England and back, alone, via the toll roads . I was driving my Vauxhall Astra, with no electric windows and at each toll booth I would apply the handbrake, slide across to the passenger seat, wind the window down and collect my ticket or give the appropriate payment. At no time did anyone feel that they had to express any impatience or complaint. Driving an english vehicle, obviously alone was more then enough explaination to the car behind!
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