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Parking Ticket


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On our last visit to France we parked illegally through ignorance and were issued with a standard parking ticket.  No excuses, it was a fair cop, so we took the option to pay this by post, using a cheque from our french bank account, as we were returning to the UK and it was inconvenient to go to a tabac to pay (the payment was posted in France).  The forms said that for postal payments, proof of payment would be the appearance of the deduction on our bank statement.  Well, that was 6 weeks ago and it has still not appeared.  Does anyone know whether it is usual for the authorities to take this long to bank a cheque, or should we assume the payment has gone missing?  If it has gone missing, is there any way we can rectify the situation?  Can we expect any nasty surprises if the authorities believe we have not paid our fine?

Thanks for any advice. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote]On our last visit to France we parked illegally through ignorance and were issued with a standard parking ticket. No excuses, it was a fair cop, so we took the option to pay this by post, using a che...[/quote]

Some lowly paid, overworked civil servant in the parking ticket fine office is probably swamped over by all these cheques from others with the same predicament as you...

Imagine the same situation for all those people caught on speeding cameras!!...

So be assured that your cheque is in the system... as against the usual : your cheque is in the post!...

It may haunt you for a year and a day from the date at which you wrote the cheque.

Pass that and it is their bad luck for being so inefficient...

You will pass go and collect your fine!

Your only consolation, as and when they come round to bank the money, is that inflation will have gone up (ever so slightly but still enough to gloat!) and the parking ticket fine office will loose on the actual value of the parking fine you paid!!

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  • 1 month later...

We received a parking ticket when on a house hunting trip, in a hired car. The estate agent we were with looked at it and muttered something about the local police / hire car companies / bureaucracy. Shaking his head, he tore it up in front of us and deposited it in a nearby bin saying 'don't worry about it'. His colleague nodded at us reassuringly.

Whilst I'm not suggesting that anyone does anything similar, it's well over three years ago and we didn't hear anything more about it.

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We got a parking ticket in the Vendee 4 years ago, we didn't pay it and have not heard anything about it.

Got another one last winter, we actually attempted to pay this one but the Tabac we went into didn't have a clue what to do with it, the Police Municipal chap buying some ciggies also didn't know where to go to pay it. He could only suggest we went to the next village down the valley. That one went in the bin as well.

These are my own experiences and not recommendations !


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