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proving no claims


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As I'm sure happens to a lot of folk, I'm now looking to prove that I've 13+ years no claims record to get insurance over here. Nice and simple if you've only one insurance company but 13 years worth of shopping around rules that out.

Has anyone researched the possibility of getting the proof via the database that the insurance companies themselves hold to counter fraud?





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Yes, your old insurer should issue you with a no claims certificate, if you contact them and ask for it - after your insurance has lapsed. Not during your insured period!

I sent my current insurer the renewal notice from my previous insurer showing my no claims on it. They were happy and it worked ok - in the UK. I'm not sure whether or not it would anywhere else..
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I've just changed my insurer (French) and was asked by the new insurance company to provide proof of no claims within 28 days. I phoned my previous broker and received their confirmation in the post the next day. The document was titled " Releve d'Informations Prevenu Par L'Arrete Du 22/07/83.

As I understand it your driving record is only based on the last three years and the maximum reduction I have ever been quoted is 50%.

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50% is the maximum but it's after 13 years.

At the moment they are taking the 2 years since I bought the car but haven't counted the four years mentioned on the certificate (which are the four years sufficient to hit 50% with that insurer in the UK). Net effect is that the original quote of 460€ has changed into a demand for 810€.




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[quote]50% is the maximum but it's after 13 years. At the moment they are taking the 2 years since I bought the car but haven't counted the four years mentioned on the certificate (which are the four years ...[/quote]


Where do you get this 13 years from,  its a load of tosh, name the company that is asking for it so we can all avoid it like the plaque.  I have seen this quoted on here before by people quoting what happened when they came here 15 years ago, times have changed, the market is more competitive and the insurers want your business.

My experience is ge same as the poster who said  "your driving record is only based on the last three years and the maximum reduction I have ever been quoted is 50%."

Try a different insurance company like Groupama,   they only want proof that you have a no claims bonus for the last three years and your renewal notice or a letter from your previous insurer is just fine with them.  NCB does not work as in the UK anyway, your premiums go up if you have a claim in line with the value of the payout, not a fixed % figure reduction in NCB.

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Axa told us that it was 13 years and that the discounts allowed were set down in law. That was at the start of July. They also quoted 460€ at that time which has now changed to 810€ (based on 2 years ncb) and has me looking around.

Groupama have an office just across the road from Axa here. Our renewal notice is from November last year and states that we had 4 years ncb (which predates our purchase of the car; it's worded a little strangely) ie a total of almost 6 years documented right now.

It's an absolutely tiny car too. The 810€ is actually more than 10% of the price of the car!

Our plan B was to see if it's possible to get "UK" insurance for over here. I heard a few months ago that there's a Lloyds agency that insures cars over here. I suspect that it's none too competitive though so 'tis off to Groupama tomorrow.




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[quote]Arnold Where do you get this 13 years from, its a load of tosh, name the company that is asking for it so we can all avoid it like the plaque. I have seen this quoted on here before by people quot...[/quote]

I visited about 5 companies and they all talked about 10+ yrs NCB. They also wanted a statement of years : not % discount earned.

This is currently the subject of an EU anti competition enquiry and may change soon.

Odd people have had a UK % based NCB bonus certificate acceped, but don't rely on it.




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If it's any help I was first insured in 1998 with AGF based upon a letter from my previous English insurers (Prudential) stating that I had a minimum of four years no claims bonus and I have recently moved my insurance to Pacifica (via my local Credit Agricole). See my previous posting for the info I was asked to provide. Why not try either of these two if Groupama don't come up with the goods.

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One odd thing that they have also asked for now is a copy of the back of my driving license. Mine actually just has a standard "issued by" design but they originally asked for proof of when I first got my license so I'm wondering if this is something that's listed on the back of a French license?




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Fairly standard practice. Whether they're making sure you actually have a licence to drive, how many endorsements you have or don't have or what the hell, just let them take a copy. I can't really remember, but doesn't your licence state when it was issued?
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The license says when it was issued, not the date from which I first had a license.

Oh, I know that they need a copy of the license, but the back of mine just has the logo of the office that issued it; there's no printing on it specific to me nor space for any.




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if push comes to shove and you have to look for a UK company try going through the AA.  they fixed me up with 100% continental insurance at a not unreasonable price when Royal Insurance (as they then were) dropped me right in it by deciding one day before the policy ran out that maybe they couldn't insure me after all - even though they had previously sent me a quote.  (Turned out that the "wrong depatment had been dealing with it and it should not have been a problem")



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