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Where to find details of planning concent

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I have a house with adjoining land (not owned by me) which I believe has planning permission for a residential property. Can anyone please advise which office I should go to to find out what permissions have been granted and whether there have been any restrictions imposed. (Dept 31 Luchon)

Many thanks,





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Mike, you can obtain this information from your marie. If a construction permit has been issued, a public notice should shortly appear on the property itself giving a brief description including size of the proposed building.
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That is correct. In France near neighbours to future building project consent are not informed unless it is out of courtesy by the interested party,it is upto the invidual to keep any eye on public notices here.The same goes with cut-offs for works being carried by the water and electricity companies too.
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Many thanks,

My assumption was that the info would be at the Marie's office, and as of Monday there had not been the mandatory notification posted.

I should also add that I have a right of preemption on the sale of the land which expires in September, this requires formal notification of an intended sale providing me with the option to buy if I wanted to.




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