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Complete France Forum

Cycling Rules


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In another thread DERF posted this link


I noticed the infringements for cyclists. In particular the fines for not having lights or reflectors in good condition.

I had thought of leaving bikes in my gite for people to use 'at their own risk' etc. I wouldn't expect anybody to be mad enough to cycle at night without working lights. As an absentee gite owner it would be impossible for me to keep lights in good order.

However do the rules about lights apply even if you are cycling in good daylight ?

Thanks in advance.


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[quote]would like to know this too - just took our bikes over and were going to take the kids over next trip - would be nice to know if we need lights on the bikes to ride in daylight or otherwise face a fin...[/quote]

I think this only applies to nightime/poor conditions.

More to the point, the notes atthe bottom of that web page suggest that you can have you car licence suspended for being pissed on a pushbike!

I'd warn your kids....


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NO! I am a member of the FFCT and have raced and toured here for years and can assure you that there is no rule about carrying lights during the daytime. Have a look around you if you don't believe me when you arrive.

Of course only an idiot would ride after dark without them. Tunnels and mist are a different matter.

You could always leave lights on your bikes at the gite and also new cheap batteries which the guests can use if they choose. You can then charge them for the opened packets...?

L.E.D lights are economic and cheap to use and run.

You'll be asking next if you need a SIRET number to ride a bike as there are already people who do this for a proffession... HA HA HA!

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