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Lost photo driving licence


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A while ago my photo driving licence was stolen but I still have the paper part.

Looking through the dvla site on this it appears I am going to have a problem replacing it as the address on it was my old UK address, although this could be changed if neccessary to another UK address.

Does anybody know the correct way to go about this and in the right order to satisfy dvla bearing in mind that they will not issue a licence to a non UK address? 

I assume I start with change of address to a UK address that can accept mail for me, but then what, or can I go to dvla and do it all in one go?

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[quote]You don't say whether you live in the UK or France,but if the latter why not change to a French driving licence, it is so easy to do at your local mairie and lasts for life,plus you have an extra piéc...[/quote]

Val, surely you would need to show your UK licence before they will change it to a French Licence !


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I lost my driving licence several months ago, when i phoned up to the DVLA, i was told as i didn't live in the uk they would not supply a new one , on going to the gendarmes, they said that there was nothing they could do, luckily I had a french friend with me and they insisted that they fill out the nesacery form to say that it had been lost, as I would  need this with the paper part of the licence to apply for a french licence, as this form was being completed there was a phone call to say that my licence had been found. so i was lucky, but good luck to you.
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[quote]You don't say whether you live in the UK or France,but if the latter why not change to a French driving licence, it is so easy to do at your local mairie and lasts for life,plus you have an extra piéc...[/quote]

They may do them at the Mairies in Little britain, Val,  sorry normany/Brittany, but here in the sticks they only do licenses etc  at the Prefectures or sub-prefectures.  Luckily our nearest is only 17kms away
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If you have another UK address you can use you could try filling in the change of address section on your paper license and send it off with a letter saying you have lost the photocard. They may send you another form to fill in and of course it will go to the new UK address and need sending on. I did the change of address thing from France and it was ok but I had the photocard too. Eddie had his license stolen when we first came here and managed to get it replaced. I think he got an application form - you can probably download one - and sent it off with a covering letter. Pat.
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My mairie knew nothing about changing from a UK licence to a French licence, but took the time to read up on it, gave me the appropriate form and specified what was required and told me to give all the documents to them, they would process it with the préfecture. I guess it just depends on how helpful your Mairie is, Ron.


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I can give you the definitive answer on this one as I've just had to sort the very same problem out for my son. I e-mailed the DVLA for advice and this is what they told me to do:

You will need a form D1 which you will probably have to get someone in the UK to pick up from a post office for you and post it.

When you fill in the form, read the accompanying booklet as you don't have to complete all the sections - in particular you don't have to send another photograph or proof of ID. You will need to give a UK address but this could be that of a relative or friend in the UK.

You then post the form, along with a UK cheque for £19 back to the DVLA in Swansea (using the correct postcode for a "replacement license".

The DVLA will then issue you with a new license - posted to the UK address you have given.

My advice would be to tell them you've lost both parts of the license and that way you can hang on to the paper part in case you get stopped by the gendarmes before your new license reaches you in France.
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Ron I didn't mean that the local mairie will issue you with a driving licence, only help and supply the official forms for which to apply for one with. Only the main prefecture or possibly in some remoter areas,the sous-prefecture will issue the final permis.
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[quote]My mairie knew nothing about changing from a UK licence to a French licence, but took the time to read up on it, gave me the appropriate form and specified what was required and told me to give all th...[/quote]

"I guess it just depends on how helpful your Mairie is, Ron"

Afraid not Susan, my neighbour works on our Mairie and she is very helpful, but EVERY village and hamlet has a Mairie in rural France, some are only open a couple of days a week if that, depending on the size of the place, few if any even would carry the forms for applying for a carte grise or driving licences, for that you have to go to the Prefecture or one of the sub prefectures.

I think Val, that in all rural departments the sub-prefecture deals with the same range of motoring "things" as the prefecture due to the distances that you would have to travel otherwise.

We asked at our Mairie about getting a French driving license and were referred to Villefranche, it is possible that because we are within 30 minutes of Villefranche that the Mairies around here do not carry the forms.  They did however process our C de T's, maybe because these have to processed via the Mairie to the Prefecture, I don't know

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Thanks to everyone for your advice. I do live in France but don't want a French licence for trailer towing reasons.


Thanks for your info. I'd worked most of this out from the DVLA site but it all seemed too easy!

As it happens I'm going to the UK for a visit on Friday so I will try and organise it all then.

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