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Car Insurance Quotes


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Hi, please can anyone suggest any companies who offer good value car insurance....I have a French Reg car and my current broker has quoted, what i feel is a very high premium. I am looking for companies, preferably english speaking, who may be able to offer a better quote.



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Speaking from experience, there is nothing like spending an afternoon doing the rounds of the insurance brokers here and seeing what they can come up with. The problem usually is the difference in the franchise (excess). All in all, you will usually find that they are very much in line with one another with the basic cover unless you have a strange or unusual vehicle. Another tip is that if you already have insurance policies for other items such as health,home or other vehicles with one company,they will often give you a favourable insurance premium as we found when trying to get our newly qualified driver daughter some insurance. As for english speaking, well this is France after all and not something people should expect.
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Hello Andy, we have our car, house etc insured with AGF, where, helpfully there is someone who speaks english. Although we didn't EXPECT it, this is very useful when talking through complicated and potentially expensive subjects.

Email me if you want their number.
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Hi Andy

If you are looking for an English speaking insurance company try :

Christina Wingfield - AXA

Contact Christina Wingfield :
AXA Insurance Cabinet Limonier 95 Rue de France,06000 Nice
TEL: 04 93 96 93 13 - FAX: 04 93 96 93 43 - e-mail: AXA Insurance Cabinet Limonier


Can't promise that they are the cheapest, but they gave us a good quote and they speak English.



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Try this company:

Allée Julien Laudet
32800 - Eauze (France)
Tél. (33) - (0)
Fax (33) - (0)
Email : philip@insurance.fr
They are English speaking. I've sorted out my home & contents insurance (257euro) and insurance for my brand new Peugeot 206cc (700euro and it's only a tiny 1.6l !) which is being built at the mo. I sorted this out all from Australia and all via email. Very helpful, don't know how they compare to other companies in terms of price (they are much higher than Australian insurance companies) but it's got us on the first rung of the ladder. Might shop around a bit more next year, but for now this is fine.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the tips but why would I use an agent in Nice or Eauze? You just don't get it do you.  Its normal here to have an Insurance Company that has offices near you so you can actually TALK to them and discuss your insurance needs with them, whether they speak English or not is not a major consideration when selecting a good company. I would rather use one that gives value for money cover and pays out on claims,

I know it is tempting when you first start out here, but if you are going down the "English speaking only" road you are going to come unstuck big time at some stage:

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L & R

WOW rural France is going to be a big shock to you then!!:

"who has ever gone into an insurance agents office in person?"

Well the world and his wife in the Aveyron, me included and all the people I know who live here for a start.  This is France, not OZ, or the UK.  All the major Insurance companies have offices in towns and many also have local reps in villages you actually go and see these people and TALK to them and fill i the forms and sign them then and there.

The tech revolution has not reached rural France ............  yet

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Got to agree 1000% with Ron! (it's 'abroad', doncha know)...

Anyway, to the original poster; Val's right, have a wander round - one pointer that may help, though... I've found MMA cheapest for car insurance (on 2 genuine, and a further couple of specimen, quotes) as they seem to calculate the bonus slightly differently, i.e. I'm 0,64 with them as opposed to everyone else's 0,68.

Hope that helps.
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Yes we ended up with MMA after all the footslogging for nothing. We have three vehicles already with them and other policies and this helped to get a further discount, whats more the agent comes out specially to see us from his office in Brest 40mins away whenever we have a problem or a claim etc.

700€ for a small Peugeot seems extremely expensive to me. I have a larger car and it was never as much as that brand new five years ago and still is nowhere near that now.Sounds like the location could be the expensive part there especially in a town.Why my daughter's little 5-year old 106 is only 200€ more expensive and she still has 18months of her 3-year probation period to do as well.

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Ron "..The tech revolution has not reached rural France ............ yet"

Well for some of us it has Ron!

We get quotes from Assurland, which is extremely popular now (but only to those with access to the Internet of course !!)and then tell our local chap (yep, we go in and have a chat with him and he tell us the years prices for all our varied insurances and we tell him "No, beat this or equal this price I have found" et voila, same price given us the "internet assurers" or sometimes better for even better cover.

With the new Loi Chatel now kicked in, we should all keep the insurers on their toes and get annual devis from other companies, this will keep it all a bit more competitive perhaps !

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Have others the same experience as me? I cannot get my insurance company (Pacifica/Credit Agricole)to recognise my English no claims bonus. I have a letter from the UK company showing 9 years claims free but the French company say there is no such thing as no claims bonus in France.

As my policies (2) with them are due for renewal in October I may have to go elsewhere.

Your experiences welcome.

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The insurance company I posted on the previous page recognise my Australian no claims from my Aussie insurers. They have given me full no claims (or maximum percentage) or whatever jargon the insurance company uses. Anyway the point is I have not lost out on my 13 years of never having to make a claim. Hope this helps, and they are in the 21st century ie have email, telephones, snail mail etc.

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[quote]Have others the same experience as me? I cannot get my insurance company (Pacifica/Credit Agricole)to recognise my English no claims bonus. I have a letter from the UK company showing 9 years claims f...[/quote]

I think someone is telling porkies here.

Of course their are no claims bonus's. Not as great as with some companies in the UK but any French insurer should transfer your bonus over, if not, simply vote with your wallet and seek another company that will honour your period of bonus, probably less given here but you will qualify all the same.

Be careful though, it looks like you have left it too late to cancel your existing contract, unless you want to fight them with the new "Loi Chatel" and by them offering you a load of cobblers, it makes their contract void.

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Ah you didn't mention that very important fact. Yes, then you will pay dearly for something like that especially in a town environment. Car crimes are on the increase significantly as my daughter will vouch when she was the second victim in less than 24hrs in a quiet residential part of St.Brieuc last week, the gendarmes(came out within 30mins as well) confirmed it was getting a serious matter now all over this region and they believe partly that she was a target because she had the next dept number plates and therefore not local meaning a tourist or someone who won't contact the police. Last weekend here was the big equinox tide and guess what! loads and loads of vehicles were broken into that were parked by the beaches and this is a very quiet area normally with very minimal crime. I suggest you get some very good anti-theft devices fitted and a good alarm and never ever leave your papers in the vehicle which the french do and then find they have been scattered to the four winds when burgled.
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[quote]Ron "..The tech revolution has not reached rural France ............ yet"Well for some of us it has Ron! We get quotes from Assurland, which is extremely popular now (but only to those with access to...[/quote]

"..The tech revolution has not reached rural France ............ yet  Well for some of us it has Ron!"

R-U-R-A-L France Miki, you know fields, cows, farms, trees, Insurance agents with little offices in the back of their houses or in the Mairie once a week, miles between towns and now its September no cars or caravans 

You living in rural France now Miki?

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This is not a direct answer to your query, but a similar experience with the French Insurer Axa.  I found their quote was double that of my usual UK car insurance premium.  I was surprised as for years many on this site were saying how much cheaper their car insurance was in France.  I no longer notice this, so things have possibly changed, as has the cost of many other commodities.
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".....You living in rural France now Miki"

Well we have a dairy farm next door Ron and hundreds, nay thousands, of acres of fields around us, not many of them in the towns are there ?

We have one close neighbour (the dairy farmer) and a few houses 800 metres away in a tiny commune and then it's at least 7 minutes to Dinan until we see some decent pavement and Saint Malo is 15 minutes, so for us, that's rural Too flipping rural at times as well !

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I'm shocked by some of this.

AXA, AGF et al are owned by shareholders, mutuelles are owned by those who put the money in.  So in this day and age of economic money grabbing, who's going to want more????  It's quite straightforward to me ...

English speaking or not?  You really want value for money ... if I'm reading between the lines correctly?  Find someone who offers this type of service in your area; I do it and it costs little to clients and they get a great deal; instead of all the immobiliers you've used who've 'taken' you to AXA etc to get your insurance done for your house, the agent has been 'kind' to you and so has the immo ... think about this a little, YOUR money is keeping them both sweet!!!

OK so I'm going to get 'flamed' for this post but I may as well tell it as it is!

Consider, a peugeot 306TDi, two houses, (one rather larger than the other) and a preyvoyance for a total sum of 832euros this year!  Just about to send them the first cheque.  Last year (due to being with a mutuelle) I got a discounted rate, obviously not too many people have claimed!

Also, remember to insure your house, car, yourselves ALL with the same company, brings the premium down heaps!



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