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re-registering van


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i have a van here that i would like to keep on the road legally.everything has run out now mot etc.. i gather i can take a control technique here but do i need to re-register it first or can i see if it will pass before i go to the expene of re-registering and then get the necessary modifications made, bit confused how to go about it??

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What about getting some insurance first! If they won't insure you then you need go no further and suggest you get a french vehicle. From the insurance stage (they usually give you a month to start with) you then go for a CT and then proceed to start the re-registering with the DRIRE. You may need a Certificate de Conformité from the manaufacturer and your original bill of sale to present to the impôts regarding the payment of VAT already in the UK. Your mairie will help you with the paperwork if you get stuck.
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hi val,thanks for the reply,

i already have a french car and insurance for that.are you suggesting i take out an insurance policy for the van before i know whether it will pass a ct here? do you mean i could take a policy for a month? the english insurance has just run out.excuse my ignorance but why would my french insurance company not insure me for a van?the van is 11 years old, i don`t have any official bill of sale as it was bought privately in the uk without vat.i`d like to keep it on the road because vans here cost twice as much and it has a good engine.perhaps the re-reg process will prove to be too costly anyway?

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Firstly, a UK MOT is not valid in France if the vehicle has been exported, you must have a CT.  You need insurance to drive your van to the CT station, it may be exempt from having a CT if you have an appointment, but not from having insurance

Its not hard to get it French registered, just do as Val says, although you do not have to use DRIRE if you can get a certificate of conformity (C-O-C).  So get a CT,  you cannot register it without one,  Get a C-O-C ( try a main dealer if you can find one, they will help) or go to DRIRE.

 You then need  proof of ownership, the UK reg certificate, proof of an address in France, Go your your prefecture or sub prefecture and pay your dosh and get your carte grise.  This gives you your French plate numbers and off you go to a plate maker to get your plates, which must be rivetted onto your vehicle, no plastic screws allowed here

 If you haven't already done so, you might consider getting your van exported otherwise under the new UK system, you could find £80 fines sitting on someone's mat back in the UK.   

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ok thanks ron, thats a bit clearer. so i need to export it first,but that means sending back my reg doc to england which means i will have no proof of ownership here. will what they send me back be ok to use here? what if they lose it? or is there a better way of exporting whilst holding on the reg document e.g. saying i have lost it!! what is DRIRE? thankyou for your help, only been here three months ,been a lot to think about with 3 kids, have overlooked the van issue! 
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Do not try and get round things over here, do it properly and you  will have no problems

If you have the new style log book/certificate, you just tear off the scrapped/export slip at the bottom and send it off to the DVLA, you keep the rest of the form.  You can use the V5 or export certificate at the Prefecture.

DRIRE is the same as a DoTp testing station in the UK that does custom and non standard cars, they do inspections of vehicle that do not have C-O-C's for any reason, and can issue a C-O-C some reckon that they are cheaper than getting a C-O-C from a car maker, expect to pay over 100€ for a letter from say Ford or Renault and 65€ at DRIRE..

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hi ron, i appreciate your time and i promise this will be the last message i will write on this subject!!! but the registration document i have (v5) does not have a tear off slip at the bottom it it has an exported box to tick in the middle of the form (sect c) and the whole form has to be returned which means i do not get to hang onto it. it also says "we will issue you with an export certificate asap but we may have to inspect the vehicle first" how are they going to do that? i have read numerous messages on this and other forums from people advising you to hang onto your document at all costs. i guess if this is all i can do i will have to photocopy it first and then  send the original by recorded delivery to ensure they receive it and can`t deny it, don`t trust the efficiency of these big organisations!! thanks again ron
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Do what I did - photocopy your V5 and take the original+copy to the prefecture when you go to register the van.  Ask the clerk to retain your copy for his record so's you can keep your original to send back to the UK.  Then send it off to the DVLA to inform them that the van has been exported. Explain to the clerk why and they'll agree.

Regarding proof of ownership, I'm sure you must have a dog-eared old handwritten receipt for it somewhere! 

When you go to the Hotel des Impots (local tax office) for your TVA certificate, they'll ask to see the V5, but given the age of your van, they won't be too bothered about the "receipt".


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I have just re registered my vehicle and will give you an idea of the costs involved which were not cheap!

First of all I took it to have the controle technique which it failed! Not surprising really. The headlamps failed as even though I had beam benders on they do not conform. It also failed on a rear tyre.

Not too bad I thought. Went to Citroen for changing the lights. 590 euros! Changed the rear tyre ourselves and went back. Still no good! Although both rear tyres were legal they were not a matching pair and needed to be, another 280 euros!

The attestation from Citroen cost 120 euros. The Centre D'Imports was straight forward just took the registratin document along and was issued with the form. Went to the sous-prefecture with all the documents and was then charged 191 euros to have them sent off! However it has now got it's new plates and the Controle Technique lasts 2 years.

The only problem being it is still right hand drive!!!

My advice for what it's worth is buy a french car!

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hi thanks for sharing your experiences. i have already got a french car i`m talking about a van that i used to move over in. the dilemma being as you know i`m sure, second hand vehicles cost twice as much here, so do i pay for the registration or just buy a new van?? decisions decisions !! i`ll work it out i suppose? thanks again.
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Know what you mean. Don't know what type of van it is but the lights were the biggest expense so would recommend you try to find a friendly scrap dealer who may have a set. Also I have spoken to someone who got their attestation from England and it was all printed in french and cost nothing. If it's not urgent you can probably do it cheaper than I did.

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