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Speeding in France in a UK car


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Hi All

Took a day trip to Cherbourg the other day in my British car, and worried I may have been snapped by a fixed speed camera.

I have read that they can now pursue you for the offence, as the DVLA give the French authorities your address on demand.

Do they also add points to your British licence along with a fine?

I have read varying reports that you can now get penalty points from France, although I can't seem to find a definitive answer anyway, all just hearsay, and various newspaper articles.


Has anyone received a ticket from France back in the UK and if so what happened?

Many thanks for any Help




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I am sure that if you get your photo taken for speeding in a UK reg car and not stopped at the time, then you will not be pursued for the fine .

If you get stopped by the gendarmes for committing a motoring offence in a UK reg car, you will have to pay up, there and then, it's classed as a deposit against any future fine you may receive, assuming you want to go to court to defend the action, otherwise they just keep your dosh.

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