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Complete France Forum

Tips for purchasing a new car

Pre Monier

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Hi Everyone

I am delighted to find myself in the wonderful postition of being able to purchse a new car.  After shopping around I rather fancy a Toyota Prius.  In the UK I know that it is possible to negoiate on price, part exchange, all sorts of things.   In fact I believe there was even a television programme on the subject!   Can anyone help with tips or let me know your experiences in purchasing?  I don`t want part exchange I am going to get rid of my RHD by other means [ perhaps the subject of another topic ], I will be paying cash and I know that the Prius attracts a discount of 2000E from the government.   I am looking to get some sort of discount from the suppliers.


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the question of available discounts depends on desirability v availability. In UK, the Prius is currently in demand and relatively little is available by way of discount.

Not sure how desirable it is in France, or availability. New car discounts are generally lower in France than in UK.

Worth visiting several dealers to get quotes.

Bonne chance



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Not sure where you are in France it might be worth a trip to Spain or Holland will normally give you an idea of the price you can get a local dealer down to. The French market is not a driven by volumne fleet sales so dealers have a lower percentage to discount from. Also unlike UK there are not disproportionate dealer bonus payment for breaking targets.
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It might be worth checking on prices of imported cars form within the EU. (try the French motoring press or thr internet) Austria, Luxembourg and Belgium are often sources of much cheaper new cars with Europe wide warranties. I had one from Austria (a Citroen) with a discount of approx 18%. i also got the car quicker than was available from local dealers (who BTW only offered token discounts).

Good luck



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