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Re-registered at last!!!!!


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Well I made myself quite ill yesterday worrying about the DRIRE inspection, and the horrible man took us right to the wire. He insisted on checking the numbers of everything again and low and behold he found an error he had not previously seen....Land Rover at Perpignan embossed one number upside down ( a £ looks like a 6) when they put the chassis number on the vehicle!! I do not know how we had not seen this nor how he had not previously seen it????

Anyway I kept quiet and we had our usual lecture from him in front of an audience of french, I just let him have his say and then it was all done. He condescendingly said he would make allowances for the number and allowances for the badly completed british paperwork(?), etc. etc. I did not say a word. I wrote the cheque, laughed weakly at his feeble jokes and gathered up my file. He kept all the main paperwork originals and said we should ring the Prefecture in a few days to collect our carte grise.

We decided to go on to Narbonne to buy a stove for the gite and at the roundabout just outside we were stopped by the police to check all the paperwork, which we did not have!!! Fortunately I had the letter saying we had been at DRIRE half an hour before, and a copy of our V5 registration document, so the police were happy.

So that is it, a year and a couple of months is what it took us to get our french number plates......phew and we are not the exception as our insurance agent here tells us he has several Germans and British on his books who have had equal difficulty reregistering their cars.

Maybe now we can get on with our lives without worrying about the car.  If anyone needs any advice about re-registering Land Rovers/Range Rovers then please do not hesitate to contact me.


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Thanks for following the tale Peter......Actually I am not quite there, I spoke too soon.  I was told to ring the Prefecture on Friday to see if my papers had arrived.  It took 8 calls to get through to the right department for cartes grises, and they appear to only work a few hours a day!!  I was told to ring at 11 and then told they shut at 12, then did not open again in the afternoon on Fridays.  Then informed they were shut Monday and Tuesday for Toussaint and then on Wednesday again limited hours.  So it will be at least next wednesday before I can ring to see if my paperwork has travelled the few miles from DRIRE to the Prefecture, then I will not be able to go and collect the Carte Grise as I would not have time to drive the 50 or so Km to Carcassonne before they shut.  Ha Ha......so I may have my new plates by next Thursday....any bets????

I would be happy to help out anyone attempting to re-register a Land ROver or a Range Rover here.

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We re-registered our Landrover defender 110 station wagon that is 9 years old now in the Creuse last October in about 10 miniutes at the prefecture in Gueret. No problem whatsoever from anyone involved be it Landrover France, CT, or whoever, in fact it took 6 months to get new carte grises for our tractors that we bought with the farm and had always been in France from there first registartion. We still have 1 old tractor without a carte grise as no one can find it anywhere, so if anyone has a spare for an old McCormack 323 let us know as it might be ours.

Well done Washy as all Landrovers are worth it,  


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