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No tax disk...

Ty Korrigan

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I thought that TK was being grown up.

I actually believe that anyone who can't be bothered to have their car insured and road tested etc etc will likely be quite unbothered about the state of their vehicule, after all who is going to check.

Cars are not fluffy toys, they are lethal weapons if not in a roadworthy condition.

My business, I drive, I am out and about, so I figure it is my business.  

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I am amazed at the the number of people who would rather ignore this problem. Prehaps it is because they are in fact guilty of these crimes themselves...?

To see a crime being commited by so many and not be offended by such is a sad measure of the morality of those witness to such.

If you think it is O.K to drive an uninsured vehicle with no C.T then where do you stand on other crimes such as theft...?

If I saw a crime being committed I would go to the police and report it.

So why not these vehicles...? What is so wrong with that...?



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Exactly Ty.

I wouldn't be surprised if the rabble driving untaxed uninsured vehicles are

also working illegally,

claiming benefits from the UK that they are no longer entitled to, eg Family Allowance, E106 or whatever it is that you can't have when you live here,

whilst also keeping a very low profile from the French Authorities.

I think that not having the correct paperwork for your car, is just the thin end of the wedge for some people.

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"I thought that TK was being grown up"

If you think a man creeping around a car park thinking he is judge and jury committing criminal damage to other peoples property is being grown up what I can I say

I of course do not agree with having no insurance I just do not like the methods judge alky proposes to stop it

There is a little gang on this forum that comprises of verbal bullies and naturally stick together and why not they can all pat each other on the back and agree with each other even if its total tosh

I have been watching the way they are hounding a certain member even if he posts helpful advice they jump on his post and slag him off in the most nasty way I am quite surprised that they are allowed to but I suppose this is a grown ups forum and we can all speak up for ourselves it therefore quite surprised me to recieve a nasty personal message from judge alky who it appears does like getting any negative response to his utter tosh still live and let live I have thick skin


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"....I have been watching the way they are hounding a certain member even if he posts helpful advice they jump on his post and slag him off in the most nasty way I am quite surprised that they are allowed to but I suppose this is a grown ups forum"

Who is the certain member richard ? Inform and let us stick up for the under dog. I have been attacked, defended, textually assaulted, called names and given some back but I can honestly say I know of no gangs or cliques and I think I would know of such a group of bandidos.

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Richard W.

Glancing through previous posting and you seem to have 'issues' with a buyer wanting to get rid of a tenant, the prospect of Brits 'grassing' on other Brits working illegally and now illegal vehicles.

Then I note that you have some previous connection with the debt recovery industry, a vocation that I won't comment on!

I'm sorry I just can't figure you out! is it that you are you a car clamper in St Malo now, making a fortune and don't wnat anyone to queer your pitch?

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Its not just up north that one sees Brit cars  untaxed,no CT or ins cert in the windscreen, there are quite a few round the Perps area too. Mostly scruffy vehicles that one had some status,  a Rolls Royce, VW Cabriolet oh and private reg Merc not forgetting the Nissan micra builders van...oh and one of the owners of these vehicles runs a newly opened resto on a cash only basis.

Mrs O

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[quote]I am amazed at the the number of people who would rather ignore this problem. Prehaps it is because they are in fact guilty of these crimes themselves...? To see a crime being commited by so many and...[/quote]

Dear TK

Can I digress for a moment and ask you to cast your mind back a bit please.

Can I ask how your prices were 'too low' before you did your stage and therefore before you were registered?

Could this be an unintentional admission that you were working au noir?

Should someone shop you for taking the bread out of the mouthes of all the registered artisans etc?

In addition, should I encourage someone to find one of your autoportee's and cut out your tyre valves?

Oh and by the way if this troubles you I'm only joking ..just like you do all the time.

On a more serious note you have been inciting criminal damage (against persons unknown with situations unknown). Criminal damage is an offence which is imprisonable in the UK. Neither lack of Road Fund Licence or insurance is imprisonable - both are fine only with points for no insurance.  You preach a reponse to a problem which is far more serious in UK law than the problem your approach attemts to deal with.

Sensible - hypocritical - others can judge but from my point of view your purported joke is in very bad taste and is just plain wrong - glass houses and all that.


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"Who is the certain member richard ? Inform and let us stick up for the under dog."

Miki If you go to


You will see a perfect example of the guy (who I do not know)

being hounded and this was posted after my message  You will see him posting a bit of advice and then being atacked by one of "judge Alky,s" hired hands they would love to cyber lynch him and is a perfect example of the spoiling of this helpful forum

Mr viva I would not expect any less from you as you are allso one of the hired hands   these are strange utterings "

"Then I note that you have some previous connection with the debt recovery industry, a vocation that I won't comment on!

I'm sorry I just can't figure you out! is it that you are you a car clamper in St Malo now, making a fortune and don't wnat anyone to queer your pitch"?

debt recovery is important and my job was looking after small traders who were ripped off by some people who allmost made a living out of fraud

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[quote]"Who is the certain member richard ? Inform and let us stick up for the under dog." Miki If you go to http://forums.livingfrance.com/shwmessage.aspx?ForumID=285&MessageID=247605 You will see...[/quote]

Which guy Richard?, Do you mean the tiff between the professional and registered artisans and the amateur wind up merchant with a digger who has one barn to his credit

I do not see the relevance to you or how this affects you, let them get on with it, it takes two to tango.  So who sent you the PM , Bob C. Ty K or Dave or Olive?  If you get a  nasty PM you should refer it to admin not post vague references to "hired hands" that tar everybody who has been here for some time with the same brush

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[quote]'and' no french assurance tag in the windscreen of some very tatty Brit reg cars (and Channel islands) in the usual parking slots at Brittany ferries at St Malo... Thats normal... However today I sa...[/quote]

We were told in no uncertain terms by our insurer that it was illegal not to have insurance on a vehicle in france.  We were trying to insure a motorbike that had been off the road for a year and had a gap from when the uk ins expired to when we went to get french ins.

So may be the auth. will do something.

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Ok... I admit I was wrong to suggest the cutting of valves on tyres of illegal cars...

But I did draw attention to the problem of these illegal vehicles and that is a far greater problem.

Don't be a drama queen here and hide this problem under my foolish words.

About the supposed travail noir...

I have French family and they helped me to start up a little gardening and odd job round using the cheque employee system to aid me to get into the system. It became apparent that what I charged for the work would not cover the future business costs especially as I was beginning to accumulate some expensive tools. I have a highly moral family who are also in business and they condemn travail noir wholly which is where I suppose I get it from...

Got to go as I am in England on a friends computer...




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Mr viva I would not expect any less from you as you are allso one of the hired hands   these are strange utterings "

I, like most other right minded law abiding people, get irritated when I see people blatantly breaking the law and getting away with it.

I hardly think that it is an unusual or unique viewpoint, but to be told when I share a similar viewpoint to another that I am a hired hand is really a bit pathetic!

BTW its madame viva to you!


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Got another pathetic PM of judge ALKY  ie Mr korigan he is really mad and seems to think I have an untaxed car and work on the black for my beer money just because I dared to answer him back he says that I will be leaving france soon (some strange ramblings of a poor confused lad I do feel a little sorry for him)but as I  find it quite funny I have no intention of reporting him to the mods because quite frankly it does not bother me at all and this time he did not use swear words so maybe little by little he is improving   keep it up  although another member has informed me of nasty PMs from this same guy so come on TY put that little brain into gear before sending out your poison the best thing is not to count to ten but leave it until the next day and just to get it straight my car is not taxed because it is French and I do not work on the black or the white as I am having a year off   if that is alright with you TK


Oh and sorry MRS Viva I did not think you were a lady will not happen again I promise

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