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No tax disk...

Ty Korrigan

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'and' no french assurance tag in the windscreen of some very tatty Brit reg cars (and Channel islands) in the usual parking slots at Brittany ferries at St Malo...

Thats normal...

However today I saw a chap, British it turns out, taking down the details and photographing each vehicle. He told me he had the address of one owner as they left correspondence visible on the dash board and a bottlebank worth of beer bottles on the back seat.

He explained that he has suffered previously as a result of a incident with one of these 'illegal' vehicles and as the fellow had 'no no nuffin mate and piss off before I lump you'

This chap had taken upon himself to wage a one man war on the owners of illegal vehicles.

I admired his vigilante fervour as it was fired by losing out to some scum bag Brit probally on the RMI and sucking the CMU dry due and not motivated by a simple Victor Meldrew hatred of man...

Nail 'em up!


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Hey fritz! Is your car the white vauxhall estate with the surf stickers on it..?

Some people trainspot, some have trainsets in attics... What's this fellows time to you unless its your car..? and yes the authorities on both sides are being informed. These people are like all the other Brits that try to live for free here, SCUM!


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Ah, it might be in Saint Malo for the BF ferries but for sure, the people are more than likely come from Ty's area, deep in the countryside and travel up to smoke to enjoy a bitta culcher !

Us locals simply don't do such things, we are near enough for a simple short drive

"....He told me he had the address of one owner as they left correspondence visible on the dash board and a bottlebank worth of beer bottles on the back seat.."

That was clever, writing his name and address in bottle tops wasn't it ?

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Ty. To be honest I don't think the french authorities could care less. Is the BF parking private property or public by the way? That makes a difference for a start regarding the parking of illegally insured and taxed vehicles but if not,not much can be done and they probably take the view that the vehicles will soon be leaving french soil anyway. Out on the main road and being driven with no insurance etc is another thing altogether and a serious infringement of the rules for EVERYONE. I can understand this man's frustration at trying to get some satisfaction back but the way in which he is doing it won't produce much in the way of results,more likely confrontation with a completely innocent person who gives him a good pasting instead. I don't think given the paperwork involved and tying up of french personnel its worth the authorities getting involved.
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Illegal drivers piss off all of us who drive legal vehicles (mark you, some of the idiotic comments on this subject on AI have an a similar effect on me).

Val is right, I doubt if the Gendarmes would be interested (unless somebody laid it on a plate). The DVLA might, because they have the legislation to fine people, even if they are in France.

Yesterday, I went to the Supermarket & our local Point Vert (round trip of 15Km). I spotted 4 illegal UK cars in that time, so I would suggest that this issue has reached epidemic (or even pandemic) proportions.


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So... BF effectively condone the use of illegal vehicles by not taking any action against those left on their property...

These people are innocent? I think not...They are a liability to all of us on the route. What would the consequences be if they had a prang and caused injury to others...?

Now... a friend suggested some-one should cut all the tyre valves off to prevent the vehicles from being moved one day... only this would be criminal damage Eh? and yet they are sitting there like 'so crimes' waiting to be commited...

I may get my cutters out next time...


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I doubt that BF own the port parking - isn't there a separate port authority ?

Didn't we have a case of someone on this board being required to go to UK court over non payment of road fund ? I think it was about a year ago.

Have I got this wrong, are these cars parked at the ferry terminal waiting for their owners to get off the ferry and drive them to their destination, probably on a weekly or monthly basis ?

My own god daughter was hit by an uninsured driver, her neck was broken and she is very lucky not to be paralysed, however she is unlikely ever to be able to return properly to work again. She is constant pain and suffering from depresion because there is not much more they can do for her, at 28 thats a grim outlook.

I'm sure the owners of these cars think they are 'getting awaywith it' - I hope its them that pay the price, not some innocent party!
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[quote]So... BF effectively condone the use of illegal vehicles by not taking any action against those left on their property... These people are innocent? I think not...They are a liability to all of us on...[/quote]

I am not suggesting that this criminal damage should be carried out.

There is no need to cut tyre valves out - with a pair of pliers its easier to lever and pull the complete valve out.

After all why carry a knife when pliers are such innocent things.
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"....Miki...tonight I am quite sober for a change...

I shall re-phrase the question... What is the likely reponse of the authorities to any reportage of the infringments...?

Is the chit stirred or is this chap on a hiding to nothing...?"


It is dodgy ground as Val says.

None of us like the way some of the Brits ride roughshod over the rules and regs but this vigilante kind of attitude can end up in tears, first what proof and what is the story of each individual car (case)?.

I guess the easy answer is simply to say "A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do" and the best of luck to anyone who feels strongly enough on this subject, to take the law in to their own hands.

I am not sure what the police would say, this chap should ask them perhaps and see what their attitude is, it might just be encouraging but on the other hand........

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Why would you imply that Ty would be hanging around your vehicle?  He's only suggesting that this action should be taken against the Brit's who are flaunting the rules by driving British cars with no tax disc.

Surely you're not?  If you are, perhaps you could give a genuine reason which could change the opinion of all those who don't approve of it.

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[quote]Why would you imply that Ty would be hanging around your vehicle? He's only suggesting that this action should be taken against the Brit's who are flaunting the rules by driving British cars with no ...[/quote]

Would you agree that commiting a crime, even against another who is commiting a crime, is still a crime?

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