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Carte Grise cost nearly 600 euros????


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Help, I am still in shock.......after about 20 calls to the Prefecture last week I finally got through yesterday to be told my papers were there.  They said I was missing the paperwork/bill of sale etc and would have to go to the Hotel des Impots.

Arrived at the Pref at 11.45 I had decided to be upbeat and commiserate with them re over work etc.....they put my name through to the department, I had to wait 5 minutes max......a few jokes about my name, they admired our dog and then gave me the carte grise....no mention of the missing paperwork.  Then they asked for 598 euros? What?  Why I asked?.......because of the puissance of the car???? It is an old (1992) V8 Range Rover with new LPG system. My legs went to jelly and I had to go and buy some chocolate......

Nowhere on this site or others had I read that the carte grise could cost this much....this was really the final straw.....big argument with other half when we got back to the car......we should have got rid of the car when we were first told we had to change the LPG system....etc.etc....

This really was not worth doing, I was not prepared for this charge.  I thought we might even be given a lower charge because of the LPG.  Or maybe this is because it is a 4 x 4?  Mind you our Land ROver carte grise was only about 130 euros, other people I know have paid 34 euros for quite a large van.

Does anyone know the rules for charges?????



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[quote]Help, I am still in shock.......after about 20 calls to the Prefecture last week I finally got through yesterday to be told my papers were there. They said I was missing the paperwork/bill of sale et...[/quote]

Around here it is about 30€ per fiscal horsepower - so our Fiat (100 BHP Diesel) cost about 180€. I can't see how a van would cost 34€, anywhere.

At least you have done it now! As I have said before, I admire your courage, I would have given up long ago. Mark you, I didn't realise your RR was so old - it must have a book price of about £1500 in the UK and virtually nothing here. What was the final bill, if you don't mind us asking?


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The smallest V8 I can see is is a 3.5 litre, if yours is 3.8 or more it is no wonder they charged you 598€ for that gas guzzler. It would appear that your vehicle is rated as a 3.9 litre = 18 CV's if you paid 599€

But shouldn't you have paid the lower tariff rate for older vehicles if that is the size engine that you have? There is a table on :



For vans over 10 years old the price par CV is half that of a newer vehicle, so an old small 2 CV van could be 34€

- 15,00€ par cheval-vapeur pour les voitures particulières et les véhicules utilitaires d'un poids total autorisé en charge n'excédant pas 3,5 tonnes et âgés de plus de dix ans ainsi que pour les véhicules utilitaires d'un poids total autorisé en charge supérieur à 3,5 tonnes, les véhicules automoteurs spécialisés, les véhicules tracteurs non agricoles et les motocyclettes de plus de 125 cm3 de dix ans au moins.

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Pour les véhicules GPL de plus de 10 ans : 
7 euros par cheval



That is the price in my dept for a carte grise, so what is the horse power of your vehicule then?


Sounds like something is wrong somewhere. You haven't copped for TVA somewhere along the way have you? I know you shouldn't have, but it is the only thing I can think of.



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I'd go and argue, have they noted the LPG on the CG because when I changed my ford mondeo estate over to my name they didn't put essence/gpl on the carte grise and the controle technique picked it up and told me to go back to the prefecture, in the meantime I read up and realised I shouldn't have paid anything as i'm in a lpg = free CG area. I went back explained they'd made a mistake and it was lpg, they changed the CG and refunded my my previously paid fee.

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There is no easy answer. It used to be based simply on engine size many years ago, but that was replaced by a formula taking into account fuel type, vehicle type, gear ratios etc. The current formula is dependent mainly on exhaust emissions, so generally diesels have a lower CV rating than petrol engines of similar power or size.
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Thanks all for your advice and commiseration......I have just had a good look at the new CG. 

Under item P.3. which is the type of fuel it states 'EG' which I thought to be 'Essence' and 'Gaz', but if anyone knows if this only refers to petrol I will have something to query.  Maybe as the petrol uses the same system as the LPG there is no allowance for this?  As it is a 'gas guzzler' we rarely use it on petrol, we only keep half a tank in it in emergency as we are in a rural area and LPG pumps are few and far between. 

It is the first time I have looked at the CG I was so relieved to have the document I could not get out of the place quick enough.

The only reason we kept going with this seemingly futile process was that the RR is in mint condition full leather interior/walnut finish......(I am trying to convince myself!)....and it is comfortable for me as a partially handicapped person.  I agree the book price is only about £1000 to £1500 in the UK but here it is worth considerably more, however, would a purchaser have to pay 598 euros for his new carte grise because that would really put people off??? I must ask at our local garage, they actually wanted to buy it from us last year - maybe I should let them have it now??LOL!!!. 

On the forecourt of Land Rover Perpignan there is a similar aged RR petrol for 9,000 euros.  This is all immaterial of course as my husband being a LR enthusiast probably would not want to sell it - I would like to get rid of it a.s.a.p. but it does look good with its new french plates on.

Final costs. Nick?   Hmmmm maybe I prefer not to total this up.......

120 Cert de Conformite from LR Paris

50 euros extra Controle Technique

3800 euros to change the LPG system and petrol tank

98 euros to the horrible man at DRIRE

598 euros for the Carte Grise

a few euros to change lights and middle rear seatbelt

80 euros ? to have the chassis number put on by LR Perpignan

£60 for a new VIN plate from LR UK (which took 3 months to arrive!)

2 trips trips to Perpignan 280Km

5 trips to Carcassonne or Capendu to the dreaded DRIRE 500Km

I need a big glass of red now after totalling this up.......this has all taken more than a year of my life, and no doubt a few more grey hairs have appeared.......but it is all over now.

My heartfelt thanks to all the many LF Forum contributors who have consoled me and have given me help and information over the year.





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I had to print off the link Derf - hilarious - must get out my calculator....!!

Back to Cartes Grises in general - what happens when France goes over to the new numberplate system soon - i.e. like Belgium, the numberplate stays with the vehicle owner? So you would change it when you sell your car????  I hope I do not have to pay 598 euros again????

Also - point (X.1) at the bottom of the CG states : Visite avant le 20/6/2007 A  (Sauf regt. spec.)  I can understand the French but what does it mean? Who do I visit?  Not DRIRE I hope.  There is no point (X) on the reverse to explain!!!

By the way none of the special hologrammed certificates for the new LPG system were returned to me.  I queried this at the cash desk to be told that as they are technical concerns DRIRE (The horrible man) may have kept them - surely I need these if I ever (soon I hope..tee hee) sell the car?

From Washy - still confused but in a much better mood - I had the glass of red......


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visite is the controle technique. No one will remind you for the first visit, but the company who does it for you may well remind you in the future.


I still reckon you have been overcharged. You surely don't have an 85cv land rover. How many cv's does it say on your carte grise.

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washy u need your lpg paperwork, I had to have my attestation de conformite for the system and the installer for the controle technique. ill check my cg tomorrow and see what it says re essence/lpg i still reckon you should go to prefecture and check its absurd 600e
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  • 2 weeks later...
Have been a bit preoccupied with flooding this week to reply but just to say that the horrible man at DRIRE has kept all my LPG paperwork, all the holographed papers etc.  I queried this at the Pref and they said he may keep them????  I have tried several times to get through to him to ask why he has kept them.???
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