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Books, you mean from that site or elsewhere ? What I'd really like are old black & white photos of life here and specifically in my oldest (original) building, but no neighbours seem to have any and are not interested. The original smallholders were perhaps too poor to have had photos taken anyway. The other day I found a 20 centimes piece from 1863, Napoleon IIIs' head on it, must've been dropped by someone laying the old drive, 150 odd years ago.

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Interesting this because I just discovered this site a few weeks ago when I was in France. I was able to locate our house name on the 1750 map on the site. I too am very interested in learning anything I can about the history of our house. It is a real mystery. The house needs quite a bit of work, mostly undoing what they did to it in the 70's. We were told the origins probably date back to the 16th century with many changes since that date. We have  learned that there is a fireplace that appears to date back about a thousand years, I first thought that it may have been put in at a later date but appears to be original.  We also have a fireback with a date of 1302 on it, we assumed this was a reproduction but now am having thoughts (although doubtful) that it could be original. Beynac Castle has the exact same fireback with the 1302 date on it. Does anyone know if the one at Beynac is a reproduction? If so there are probably many about. I have come to a dead end in trying to learn about the history of the house and our little village in the Dordogne.  Any advise or suggestions would be most appreciated.
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