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Complete France Forum

Wing mirrors on lorry


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coming across the channel in our horsebox in a week or two, and it is only fixed with one big mirror either side.  Think the French are minimising accidents due to poor visability on the off side (happens often in UK with continental lorries, but our govt does not insist on any modifications.......)
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Why exactly wouldn't we look in it!!.  Stops you pulling out into oncoming traffic without noticing a car under your door.  In UK you sit right by the door you pull out from, so you can see if there is a car.  On the offside you can't..... In UK there are loads of side swipe motorway accidents where continental lorries don't consider this.  In France they appear to have noticed the risk.


Incidentally the cost appears small, £16 for one of the mirrors, bit more for the other.  Guess we will just fit up all three for safety's sake.

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The idea for it is to reduce the amount of accidents involving pedestrians and bikes etc which may come up the inside of the truck at junctions and traffic lights, it should be mounted on the passenger side above the window looking down ( on rhd vehicles) My trucks have them but we do not change them over when we go on the continent as the driver is on the`` inside`` and the one fitted is handy for seeing any cars that have come up the outside.


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Many many thanks Keith for bothering to give a straight reply to a straight question.  When I posted that query we were quite worried and had an impending trip.  All the answers joked about the content and put me well off posting any other questions on this forum - I'm not usually sensitive but didn't realise my post was setting me up for a fall.  Lately I use another forum and just check on here periodically but rarely post, your note was refreshing to say the least.


Now I'll get loads of abuse back but there you go.........................


xx K

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Dear Robbos

I was one of the 'jokers'  and I hope that I/we haven't put you off.

Sorry for the frivolity but lorry drivers incite both a  lot of humour and a lot of bile.

I used to subscribe to a forum (uk.rec.transport I think) where these things were handled with quite robust banter, with lorry drivers as participants.

I realise that you had a serious question and, to be honest, I thought the frivolous diversions only kicked in after you had a substantive reply. Sorry for pppping you off. That was far from my intention and I think that most other inserts were meant as friendly as well.

Good luck.

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