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Lead Free fuel?


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Is it 2-stroke or 4-stroke?If it has a Villiers engine,it is likely to be a 2-stroke which will run happily on unleaded with the right amount of oil added-Villiers of that age ran on 16/1 petrol/oil(1/2 pint oil to a gallon of petrol) if I remember rightly.
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As a generalisation i would say that hardly anything of that vintage would be happy to run on unleaded in the long term. It leads to recession of the valve seats. Remember that in those days lead was added with gay abandon and engine manufacturers hardly needed to give valve seats a second thought. There are however 2 ways to overcome this, 1) is to install hardened seats (expensive) 2) is to put an additive in with the petrol. I use Castrol valvemaster in a car and it works. Hope this helps. 
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