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Selling vehicles in france


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    I am aiming to sell my 2000 Renault kangoo 19td  (French not UK car) Could someone tell me if I need a form or suchlike to provide the potential purchaser to take to the prefecture to say it has been sold. I have been told I do but not sure what

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You need to complete a certificat de cession.  You can download one [url=http://www.interieur.gouv.fr/rubriques/b/b2_vos_demarches/b22_CERFA/index_html/cerce.pdf] HERE[/url]

Keep one copy, give another to the buyer and send the third to the prefecture within 15 days of the date of sale.  You also need to write across your carte grise the words "vendu le" with the (same) date and sign it.  You then give this to the buyer.  He now owns the car. 

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Don't forget to offer the buyer the Certificate de Non Gage (also know

known as Certificate de situation). This is available online as well.

Also one must sell the car with a minimum of 18 months CT still

remaining on the car.

As well as writing on the carte grise what SD said, you should also cut

off the right hand top corner of the carte grise (there are marks to


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