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Novice 125 scooter rider seeks basic info


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I have just put down a deposit on a Yamaha Majesty 125 to use as a 2nd vehicle.

It will be used primarily for shortish runs (30km) with 1 rider, but with 2 riders in summer (weather permitting!)

As I have never had to purchase a helmet or a jacket before, I feel a bit lost in the amount of info I read about.

Does anyone have any tips to share before I part with my hard-earned cash?

Many thanks in advance

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Hi Clair

My first advice would be: always wear protective clothing and helmet; don't be tempted to ride with the helmet, t-shirt and shorts. A spill, even at low speeds, can cause very nasty gravel grazes and could take all the skin off your arms and legs. I see loads of young people riding like this and it makes me shudder.

You don't need a top-of-the-range helmet, these can cost up to £400 (I haven't looked at French prices), but there are many cheaper ones and you should get something reasonable for £60-ish. You may find a flip-front useful (a bit pricier). I prefer the full-face type, that's the type with a complete bar round infront of the chin and a visor. They are rather claustrophobic at first, but you soon get used to it. It needs to be tight when you try it on, it'll get slightly slacker with age and the last thing you want is a wobbly helmet; it protects by safely encasing the skull.

For clothing try for something with elbow and knee protection built in. There's lots of choice in 'fabric' materials, leather is not necessary (unless you want leather for the 'look' of course). Leather is good at absorbing the friction from a fall, but gets hopelessly soaked in wet weather. The man-made fabrics are better for general wear. I'd suggest something with zip-out linings because it does get very warm here in summer. Zip vents are useful too.

Summer gloves (leather).

I nearly forgot boots. Very important. Don't wear trainers. There are some stylish lightweight boots for ladies, you don't have to look like a hells angel!

If it all sounds a bit over the top for riding a scooter I just re-iterate that it's better to be safe than sorry.

I'd suggest that you find a large motorcycle dealer in one of the big towns or cities, say a Honda or Yamaha stockist, with a good clothing section. Ask for advice, they should be able to guide you.

Happy riding! 

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Everything wot sid said above - great summary of what's (absolutely) essential. You can get some excellent lightweight kit thats good for summer riding but safe.

I'd only add that when you buy your helmet, always buy it from a shop where you can try it on (rather than by mail order).  As sid says, it needs to be snug, but if its a bit too tight across your forehead it can get very painfull, even after a short time on the bike.  The shop should give you good advice.

What about your licence?  Does it include the category A1 for riding 125s? If not, you may find you need to sit a french riding test.  If you do have to sit a test, you can find full details on this excellent [url=http://www.les-permis.com/index.htm] website [/url]

If you're a complete novice, what about training?  Here's an excellent UK biker [url=http://www.visordown.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=11] website [/url] that has lots of tips for safe riding.

Shout if you need any more advice.




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Thanks Sid and Sunday Driver for the timely replies.

We have purchased a waterproof jacket with shoulders and elbows padding, mesh lining and fleecy removable lining, as well as a pair of light-weight gloves (the scooter has "handwarmers" (?) and a skirt ) and a €200 Lazer crash helmet.

Judging by the weather this week-end, we'll need a pair of over-trousers and over-boots as well!

Then HE'll be all kitted out and I'll have the car back!

Regarding the licence, I must admit I had not even considered I might not be able to ride, as I have a full UK licence (I have not chenged to a French one yet).

I assumed that, as a car driver, I would be able to ride up to 124 without any problem... Is this something I should look into?

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[quote user="Clair"]...the scooter has "handwarmers" (?) and a skirt... [/quote]

Sounds a bit "girly" to me.....[;)]

[quote user="Clair"]
Regarding the licence, I must admit I had not even considered I might not be able to ride, as I have a full UK licence (I have not chenged to a French one yet).
I assumed that, as a car driver, I would be able to ride up to 124 without any problem... Is this something I should look into?[/quote]

I've just checked it out for you and there's no problem.  In France, you can ride a bike up to 125cc providing you've held a category B (car) licence for a minimum of 2 years. (The reason I asked originally is that in the UK, you have to do compulsory basic training which gives you a certificate which allows you to ride with L plates for 2 years.) No L plates required in France, so you're OK.

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Re the skirt: I don't know what else to call it! It's called a tablier in French... It's meant to protect the legs when riding in the wet and to covers the seat when parked outside.

Re the licence: thanks for checking this out for me and putting my mind at rest. I will change to a French licence in the next few weeks anyway...

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]No need to exchange your licence for a french one.  Any licence issued by an EU state is valid in all EU states.  The only time you're obliged to change is if you commit a traffic offence which comes with points.[/quote]

I know I don't need to, but my UK licence is of the old paper type and it's been an occasional problem not having 2 pieces of photo ID.

My French ID card by itself is sometimes not enough for chq payment over a certain amount
, when buying outside my département.

My local Lidl has even started asking for ID even for card payment!!

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