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Camping Car now registered!

Sunday Driver

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Last episode of the saga:

Got all the paperwork together (attestations from Mercedes Benz and Hymer, the Bureau Veritas report, the CT certificate) and dropped them in at the DRIRE.  Two days later, I got an invitation to present my van for a reception de titre isole at the DEKRA HGV testing station at Mazieres (about half an hour closer to home than the DRIRE inspection centre in Niort - nice consideration on their part).

Met the inspector there, and after introductions and a brief chat about the freezing weather, he went over to the van, checked out the VIN plate under the bonnet and the VIN stamp on the chassis - and that was it!  "Everything fine, Monsier Hardy. I'll go back to Niort and prepare the proces-verbal this afternoon and you can collect it tomorrow".  Blimey, was that it, then?  86 euros, and for what?  He just shrugged as if to say "its the rules".

Next day, back to the DRIRE to collected my RTI certificate and dossier from them - but guess what?  They'd mislaid my electricity bill.  So it was either an 80km round trip home and back to get a replacement or bluff it out at the prefecture.

Off to the prefecture with a winning smile on my face.  When I explained to the clerk about the DRIRE losing my utility bill, her eye's popped out with amazement.  Never mind, she said, your insurance green card will suffice as proof of address.  Paid 80 euros (us HGV types get a big discount) and came away with the CG.

Now we just need it to stop raining and its off for a long weekend's camping.  [:D] 

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why do you need it to stop raining, It is a camping car, you have everything you need inside, just pack wet weather gear, jumpers, wine and food. there yoou are and off you go.

we might meet you some time, that is when it stops raining.

triciab 86

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Brilliant, well done, give that man a c-garrrr,   sounds like a walk in the park, thanks fer sharing the info,  ive heared lots of doomers saying, ooo dont bother itll be a nightmare, buy one over here, but i wonder how many of them actually know anything about it at all.  big thanks from me, makes life a lot easier when we can read about someonelses experiance, i think ill give it a go, chears matey... mark
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You're right.  There's an awful lot of "oh, the burocracy in France" about on these forums.  However, if you do the proper research, you find that the processes are exactly the same as in England.  The point is, most english folks have never been involved in importing a car so its all quite strange and daunting to them.  When I originally imported my van from Germany into the UK, I had to produce a certificate of conformity, fill out tax clearance forms, get an MOT, go to the DVLA office, fill out a registration form, produce proof of identity and address, and pay the fees.  Sounds familiar?  Yes, we could even be talking about France [;)]

It actually took me five months to get the camper through the process here, but if it hadn't been for Hymer sending their paperwork to the wrong address (3 months lost), I could have got my finger out and done the whole thing in about three weeks.  Result - I've now got a fully french legal, luxury A-Class camper that I originally bought in Germany four years ago for £22k (worth £28K in the UK) which is still worth £22K+ in France.  Not a bad investment for a bit of time and effort, I reckon.

Yes, it helps if you can speak and read a bit of french, and if you turn up with a decent file of the right documents and a bit of knowledge of the system, I've found that people are inclined to put themselves out to help.   A bit like the english, eh?

My advice is - just do it!


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Whhaaayyy, yeep, that makes sence matey, sounds like you saved a packet, brilliant.  I sold me old Kon tiki last year, it was Brill and we miss it, so once we get sorted out well be looking for another camper to take to France... Hat off to ya for going for it, im a firm believer in giveing it a go, you dont get anywhair if ya dont try.  thanks again Bril stuff... mark
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